Communications Question


Instructions: Part 1: Phone Usage Documentation ○ Document clearly and precisely how you use your phone for 48 hours. This may be in a a table or itemised list. ○ You should include a minimum of 10 specific occurrences of information seeking In your documentation, please provide the following for each information seeking occurrence: ■ Date ■ Problem or question you were answering ■ How and where you sought information ■ Describe how did you decided what information was current, credible, and relevant to your problem ■ Identify if you were you successful. Why or why not? ○ Explore and document the other ways you use your phone (apps, length of time, activities). Tools such as Digital Wellbeing (Android) and Screen Time (Apple) might be helpful. Part 2 – Reflective Response ○ Provide a brief summary describing your approach to information seeking (1-2 paragraphs) ○ Reflect on your experience in documenting your phone usage. See below for sample reflection questions. You are not required/limited to answer these specific questions, but they are available to get you started with your reflection: ■ How much did you know about your phone usage before this activity? ■ In what ways would you like to make changes to your information-seeking behaviour? ■ What have you learned about yourself from this process? ○ Use appropriate course resources to explore and highlight what you have learned about your own information-seeking behaviour in relation to the course content so far. Part 3 – APA Works Cited ○ Cite your sources in APA style. All ideas and facts that are not your own must be backed up with supplemental information sources and citations. Note: Part 1 and 3 do not count towards your total word count.

Information Seeking Behaviour: Grading Rubric Excellent (20-16 marks) Acceptable (15-11 marks) Re-focus (10-0 marks) • Provided detailed and clear documentation of phone usage and included all required components. • Exhibited a high-level of critical thinking and creativity related to reflecting on their information-seeking behaviour. • Provided specific examples and concise descriptions. • Answered all sections of the assignment directly with additional insight. • Made thoughtful connections to course materials. • Submitted content free of grammatical or spelling errors. • Cited all sources in proper APA style. • Provided general documentation of phone usage and included most required components. • Offered expanded insight and unique observations related to their information-seeking behaviour. • Provided general examples and sufficient explanations. • Answered the questions asked. • Submitted content with minor grammatical or spelling errors. • Cited sources. • Provided little to no documentation of phone usage. • Displayed a lack of critical thinking related to their information-seeking behaviour. • Offered insufficient evidence with little or no explanation throughout. • Failed to address the assigned questions. • Submitted content with substantial errors and structural problems. • Did not cite sources.

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