Develop Hazard Profiles
Develop Hazard Profiles
Learning Outcomes:
- Select a community of your choice and document hazard profiles for three (3) of their natural hazards. Pick hazards that occur most frequently. Your profiles should include the type, location, extent and history of each hazard. You do not need to include future vulnerability or risk analysis. Make sure to name the community you choose and its location. Include climate change in terms of how it may impact each of these hazards.
Let your reading guide your efforts. You may also want to look at some hazard mitigation plans online to get a sense of what is included in the risk assessment. But, remember this assignment does not include analysis. Just set the stage for the hazard. These are hazard profiles only. Here is the Hazard Profile Template you will use: Hazard Profile Template 👇
You must include:
- Include the name and location of the community you choose.
- A description of the hazard (this should be relevant to the community you choose).
- The location of the hazard in that community. For instance, a flood may occur near rivers or the shoreline but earthquakes may impact an entire community. Include maps or graphics if possible.
- The extent of the hazard. This is considered the range of impact. Include a graphic depicting range if possible for instance Saffir-Simpson Scale.
- The history of the hazard in your chosen community. Look to disaster declarations as well as more minor events.
- No more than 3 pages per hazard.