Please Answer Reading Summary Questions regarding Racism and the Criminal Legal System
Hi I have attached below each question that needs to be answered as a short answer. There are two sections “check your understanding” and “critical thinking”
Instructions and Questions: Itemize your response to each question, including any sub-questions. Format: 12 font, Times New Roman. Double-Spaced. No Unnecessary header (Name, Prof. Name, Date, Course Number, Class Name).
9.1 What factors explain the rise of mass incarceration in the United States?The United States has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. Moreover, Black and Latino men are disproportionately affected by harsh crime control policies.
Q What is the difference between crime rates and incarceration rates?
Q Explain the trends in property crime and violent crime rates between 1970 and 2000. Compare these trends to incarceration rates. What differences do you see?
Q How do incarceration rates in the United States compare to those of other developed countries?
Q Why does the author argue that the United States is in the midst of an era of mass incarceration?
9.2 How are disparities in the criminal legal system reflective of institutional racism?The high rates of incarceration for Black and Latino men can be traced to racial profiling and sentencing disparities. Racial ideologies of Black male criminality have serious implications for the lives of African American men.
Q How does racial profiling affect incarceration rates?Q What roles do individual racism and institutionalized racism play in maintaining the high rates of incarceration for African Americans?Q What are three reasons African American men are seven times more likely than White men to be incarcerated?
9.3 How is the rise of mass incarceration tied to large-scale economic trends?Mass incarceration came about at the same time that inner cities began to lose jobs. There are profit motivations behind private prisons, and certain groups have benefited economically from mass incarceration.
Q How is economic restructuring related to incarceration and crime rates?Q What is the prison-industrial complex? How did the Great Recession affect incarceration rates?
9.4 What are the collateral consequences of mass incarceration?Mass incarceration affects the 2 million people behind bars and the 7 million people under criminal legal supervision. It also affects millions of felons in the United States and their families and children.
Q What are some of the ways that mass incarceration affects men and women differently?
Q What parallels does Michelle Alexander draw between the Jim Crow era and the present era?
Q How are children affected when their parents are incarcerated?
1.What unique features of the United States might play a role in its high incarceration rates?
2. How has the War on Drugs affected mass incarceration?
3. Why do you think police officers are more likely to conduct drug raids in low-income, Black neighborhoods than in wealthier, primarily White neighborhoods?
4. What role might individual discrimination play in maintaining the high incarceration rates for African Americans?
5. Evaluate the evidence presented in this chapter for the connection between economic trends and mass incarceration.
6. Evaluate the human cost of incarceration: in what ways, beyond financially, does the United States pay for mass incarceration?