reading questions


How does “mugging” bring America to Britain? What did “mugging” signify in the British media before it was used in the British context?

What was new about “mugging” when it was used in the British context? What kind of a crime did it signify? In other words, what was new about this crime?

They also use the term, “signification spiral” which is more about how an event or activity made to seem more threatening

What are the main elements of a signification spiral?

What does ‘convergence’ mean in this context? How does convergence make the threat seem bigger? Please give examples

One of the significant contributions of this seminal book is the connection they make between mugging panic and a general hegemonic crisis.

What do they mean by hegemonic crisis and how is mugging connected to it? Please discuss in a bit detailed manner as the rest of the course will follow this path of thinking.

please list and number the questions as they are answered. It is super important that the answers are through the lens of the readings.

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