Socy 2171-002
What is a Mind map? Essentially, it is a representation of how you connect ideas and concepts using a main theme (in this case, Education Inequality) .They are useful for creative thinking and brainstorming. All mind maps have some things in common. They have a natural organizational structure that radiates from the center (Node) and use line, symbols, words (connecting to other ideas and concepts (or other nodes).
How Do I Create A mind Map? I have never done this before. Don’t worry! There is software that can help you with the actual design. I will share those sources at the end.
Basic Instructions:
Start in the middle of a blank page, writing/drawing the idea you intend to develop. In this case, our main theme is Education Inequality.
Develop the related subtopics around this central topic, connecting each of them to the center with a line.
Repeat the same process for the subtopics, generating lower-level subtopics as you see fit, connecting each of those to the corresponding subtopic. You will even connect sub-topics as they relate. As a result, the mind map will look more like a web (see the example poverty mind map below).
Be as detailed as you can be.
Keep the topics labels as short as possible, keeping them to a phrase or single
Create a mindmap of Education Inequality — It is suggested to use Miro .to create the mind map. If you would like to use another free program, that is acceptable. If using Miro, you will export as a PDF and submit it here
In addition to the mindmap, submit a brief explanation 2-3 minutes — presenting your mindmap the link to the software to use is