Philosophy Question
For this writing assignment, the goal is to provide an essay of at least 600 words centered primarily on chapter 2 (the meaning of life). Your task is to argue for your selected choice as the meaning of life. You will formulate an essay with an introduction that introduces the importance of having a “meaning” in life as well as your selected choice in “meaning.” Somewhere in the introduction, you need to have a thesis statement, in which you state your position and how your will argue for it [I will have an example of a proper thesis statement further down].
Next, you will have, at least, three body paragraphs each centered around one reason that supports your thesis. Lastly, you will have a conclusion that wraps up the essay in general. The essay format may be in MLA/APA format, and you must cite your sources, in which you will need at least one external source. I highly recommend using the university’s library database [LIRN] to find the sources, although you can choose other means of finding sources. To access LIRN, go to the “tools” sections on the left-hand side of Blackboard. Click on “LIRN System Tool” to access the database.
All the options for which meaning to choose are found in chapter two of the textbook, in which I will list out here: [meaning as a Game, Story, Tragedy, Comedy, Mission, Art, Adventure, Disease, Desire, Tranquility, Honor, Learning, Suffering, Investment, and Relationships].
When thinking about which option to choose, think about the potential benefits associated with such a meaning. Think about how one’s life can be changed or influenced for the better when adopting such a position. Use examples to demonstrate your points; they can be from your own life (reflection), someone else’s (research), or hypothetical ones (imagination). When coming up with reasons, make sure to be clear, communicative, and analytical enough that someone else can understand your position. If you are having trouble thinking about some reasons, look for sources. Sources are some of the best ways to find valuable information.
Sample Thesis Statement: In this essay, I seek to argue for adopting an adventurous lifestyle, in which life is meaningfully rich and continuously rewarding. In support for this interpretation, I will present three different reasons, each nuanced and compelling, to back up my claim. Such benefits would include placing pressure on the individual to develop their potential, adding an exciting, motivational spice to most circumstances, and presenting life’s hurdles as obstacles to overcome. I believe these three reasons demonstrate the value of an adventurous outlook, an outlook I believe, should be taken more seriously.
[NOTE: Your thesis statement doesn’t need to be this long, this is just an example for you to look at]
**Aspects I will be looking for/Rubric
- Introduction: Student introduces the topics and has a clear thesis statement. The thesis statement will include both the student’s clear position and how they will argue for it.
- Three body paragraphs: Each one is centered around one main reason. The reason is both connected to the thesis statement and makes sense for the purpose of the paper. For each reason, there is evident detailed analysis to support the reason. Examples may need to be used to demonstrate your comprehension.
- At least one external source is used; citation is correct.
- The essay has convincing elements to it. Are there places in the essay that could convince the reader/audience?
- There is a conclusion that neatly wraps up the entire essay.
- Log on to LIRN(FNU Library database) Username: 24439 Password: onlinelibrary39