Soc research methods combined lab 6 research design


Lab Assignment 6

Developing a Research Design

DUE: Nov 18 (by 11:59 pm) via Canvas

In this assignment, you will choose a data collection method to (hypothetically) investigate your question. Now that you have a (revised) research question use the class materials to identify a data collection method, time dimension, and unit of analysis to address your question. Please note that we will only develop a proposal in this class, meaning you will not actually collect this data.

To complete this assignment, please follow the steps below:

Step 1. Restate your (potentially revised) research question (RQ)

Step 2. Your data collection method

What data collection method (e.g., experiment, survey, qualitative interview, or secondary data analysis) would you use to examine your RQ? Include the following two aspects in your response:

    • Name and describe your data collection method. What are the three key features of this method?
    • Explain WHY this method is most appropriate for your RQ. Write full sentences here and use the decision tree and textbook. Be very specific. We will grade you on your ability to communicate key methodological reasons why you should choose one design over another.
      • Note: all designs can be scaled to be quick/cheap or long/expensive, so cost and time are not good deciding factors.
      • Another Note: To check for possible secondary data sets, check Slide 6 for Day 11, where I list several possible datasets. If you choose “secondary data” as your method of choice, you need to tell us what data exactly are you planning to use. To investigate existing data, navigate to the documentation/questionnaire and see if both your IV and DV are included in that data.

Step 3. Your units of analyses

What are your units of analysis? WHY are these units appropriate for your RQ?

Step 4. Your time dimension

What is your time dimension (e.g., cross-sectional, trend study, panel)? Define your time dimensions (i.e. what is a cross-sectional, trend, or panel study). Explain WHY is this time dimension appropriate for your RQ?

For all of your definitions and justifications, please cite the textbook using in-text citations and a list of references in the ASA or other official citation styles. THE RESEARCH QUESTION IS- “the consequences of divorce on children’s maturity”. Please use the text provided in the file and no AI this is link to book

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