BIO-105-NA.24AU Formal Lab report – Seed Growth
Submit the final draft of your complete Formal Lab Report for instructor grading after reviewing the Formal Lab Report rubric one more time and making sure that your paper meets the rubric requirements. IMPORTANT: Be sure to review the areas with ” *** ” in the rubric because the requirements for these sections have been updated from the prior Writing Assignments to meet complete Formal Lab Report needs. Please note that this drop box will only accept a .doc or .docx document. Be sure to name your document with your first and last name and _cFLR. For example, John_Smith_cFLR.doc or John_Smith_cFLR.docx
Remember: Be sure to include all the information for the entire lab which means be sure to discuss both the germination of seeds in Petri dishes and the growth of plants in pots.
Point breakdown for each section of the final lab report paper and maximum number of points that can be earned in each section based on meeting all rubric requirements:
Introduction+Format: +10/10
Method+Format: +10/10
Results+Format: +10/10
Discussion+Format: +10/10
Reference+Format: -0 (Points will be deducted for not meeting rubric requirements)
Appendix+Format: +20/20
Total for entire paper: +60/60
Tip: If you need extra help on how to format your citations and Reference section in APA format, the Purdue Online Writing Lab (owl) website is a great resource!
Tip2: Visit this link if you have questions and need help from the librarian on how to find information using the library resources: