Business Law Question
Business Law Fall ‘24 Orr
Term Paper Assignment
DUE (NO EXTENSIONS!): on or before deadline:
Sunday, November 24, 2024
submitted here (upload a file or paste into a text box). I suggest you read this through, first:
POINTS: UP TO 35 points (a few really top papers may get bonus points, up to 45).
There are 2 Parts to do. Do each item in each Part, in order. Just follow the order below, front to back, writing each part into your Term Paper. Label each part you answer, matching the numbers below (Part 1.a, Part 1.b., and so on).
Term Paper Rules and Tips:
Your Own Work: The Term Paper must be your own work. Group work is not allowed. Do not use AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Google Bard) unless allowed, as described here below. Using AI in a way not allowed here, can be considered cheating, and can have serious consequences, including reports to student services and potential penalties.
You can use sources (such as books, magazines, google searchers, or an AI chat-bot, but only as allowed here:
The best way:
1) First, find and read through each source, yourself.
2) Then, explain things to me in your own words. It is good to use the accepted, technical words and phrases for things (for example, “profit,” “contract,” “corporation,” “chief executive officer,” etc.), and the actual names of important businesses and persons (for example, Tesla, Elon Musk), and the names of parts of government (for example, Federal Trade Commission; Food and Drug Administration).
Include citations of all your sources: If any of the following are used, always tell me, describe them clearly and indicate which parts came from that source or tool. Failure to follow this will be treated as a violation of academic integrity. Anything from a source should have the link to that source right there where I can see it and check it, in the text or in a footnote:
1) Quotes from online articles (such as news articles) or other media, such as books or videos. Keep quotes brief and clearly indicate when you’re quoting, with proper source citation.
2) Anything produced using an AI tool such as ChatGPT. If you use AI, keep it brief, identify any use or output of it, specify what you used, and where.
Do not include include any graphs, images or videos in your Paper. I just want writing.
Further tips for research are given below, in each item.
Term Paper length: Part 1 can be any length, but I am thinking, around 4 pages (double-spaced), or more. Part 2 can be pretty brief, with just a sentence or a few to answer each item.
Just do your best on each item! The key is to work smart, meaning, using online research, asking good questions, making good searches. This way you will work efficiently: quickly and with more ease. Keep trying!
Do Part 1 and Part 2, both:
PART 1: Pick a business (company) and tell me about it:
Write each answer in the same order as shown here, with each answer labeled the same as here: 1.a., 1.b, etc.:
Part 1.a. Pick a subject you are interested in, that involves business in some way. Tell me what it is. Examples: a favorite sport, or makeup (cosmetics), or smartphones, or cars, or online gaming. Tell me what it is.
Part 1.b. Pick a business firm (a company) involved with that subject. Tell me the name of that business. Examples: Dallas Cowboys football team, L’Oreal cosmetics, Apple, Walmart, Tesla, Reddit. Tell me the company’s name.
Part 1.c. About this company, find at least 2 articles (online) from the last 3 months that show some important news about that company. Name these articles to me by title and source (including any web links). Briefly explain what these articles say, in your own words.
Part 1.d. What kind of business organization is your chosen company? Every business is an organization, such as a corporation, partnership, or LLC (limited liability company). What is a basic description of that type of business organization (a corporation, etc.)? Does your chosen company do business internationally, or mainly in one country?
1.e. Who are major people involved in this company? (“People” meaning, the most powerful and influential persons guiding that business, as well as persons well known in connection with the company.) This would include the top managers, possibly top owners, as well as publicly-known personalities such as sports team star players. List for me, also, some other powerful firms (companies) involved in that same kind of business.
Part 1.f. Very, very important: What are some main law/regulations this company (and this kind of business) work under? Who are the government regulators (agencies or other government bodies) it works with on these matters? Is this changing — are this company facing new regulations, or maybe less regulation under the current US government? Look at everything the business handles (Events? Products? Employees? Software? Its taxes?) Do not skip on this, do a careful and searching job, or you will lose lots of points!
Part 1.g. What (in your own words) do the sources you can find tell us about changes happening, or coming, in the big picture, for this firm/business? What are big challenges faced in doing this business, for example, are they growing and hiring more people now? What is the impact of inflation? Of the war in Ukraine? Must they spend more soon on tech? Are there new technologies affecting their business, such as new ways to shop and choose their products? Is this organization moving well with the times?
Part 2: make up a little statement or story for each part of this California law:
For each item below, write a statement (like a little story, which can be just one sentence long, or a few sentences) of an imaginary business (not a real business) doing each thing described. (Just so you know: these things are illegal to do.) Note: this is a real law. But here, I put it in a different order from the actual law, and from earlier semester assignments, so copying older papers from earlier semesters will not work. Make each one separate; number each one, in order, matching the numbers below:
Example: a sample answer (do not use this example as your answer): an example of an answer to the first item in the list below:
Part 2 – (1)[Falsely stating] geographic origin [of] goods or services.
[Sample answer:] Part 2 – (1) Joe’s Wine Shop sells wine that Joe falsely claims is “made in France,” but in fact, it was made in Joe’s house in El Cajon from grapes grown in his back yard.
These are each from a California law (a statute, a code section):
California Civil Code section 1770, “Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices”:
“The following unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts [by a seller] intended to result in sale or lease of goods or services to any consumer are unlawful [in California]:”
[Tell a story of an imaginary business doing each of the following things:]
Part 2 – (1)[Falsely stating] geographic origin [of] goods or services.
Part 2 – (2) Representing [claiming, stating, communicating] that goods or services are of a particular standard, quality, or grade, or that goods are of a particular … model, if they are of another.
Part 2 – (3) [Falsely stating] the source [such as, the brand or maker] … of goods or services.
Part 2 – (4) Representing that goods are original or new if they have deteriorated unreasonably or are used.
Part 2 – (5) Representing that a part, replacement, or repair service is needed when it is not.
Part 2 – (6) Inserting an unconscionable provision in the contract. [That word is explained in our contracts notes and videos, or can be looked up in a legal dictionary online.]
Part 2 – (7) [A fake sale:] Advertising goods or services with intent not to supply reasonably expectable demand, unless the advertisement discloses a limitation of quantity.
Part 2 – (8) [Making a false statement of] certification [this business supposedly has, from a government agency or other organization].
Part 2 – (9) Disparaging [defaming: making a false statement, as fact, that harms reputation, to a third person such as a customer, about the] goods, services, or business of [another business or business person] by false [statement]of fact. [Example: lying to wreck a business’s good name with a desired customer.]
Part 2 – (10) [Falsely stating] that goods or services have … characteristics, ingredients, uses, benefits, or quantities they do not have.