pol 210 week 4
The Milestone Two Outline is a comprehensive research paper outline. This outline shows your progress to date and gives your professor a formal roadmap of the research paper from the introduction to the conclusion. Organize the research paper outline into paragraphs that introduce your topic, summarize research on the topic, and present issues surrounding the topic you will analyze in the Final Project Research Paper. This assignment will help you develop skills in research, data analysis, critical thinking, argumentation, policy impact analysis, and problem solving.
The Writing an Outline section of the Shapiro Library research guide (linked in the online Milestone Two Outline prompt) is a resource to help create the outline. Refer to examples on writing complete sentence outlines. SNHU Academic Support (also linked online) can help you with APA formatting and citing sources.
Organize the outline into sections. Those sections should:
- Introduce your topic
- Summarize research on the topic
- Present issues surrounding the topic you will analyze in the final research paper
- Include enough detail to provide a clear roadmap for the final research paper
Be sure to address the following critical elements in your outline:
- Outline Elements: Organize information presented in your outline into the following sections in APA format. Include enough information in the outline to demonstrate research progress and organization of facts.
- Cover page (a separate page): includes title, author, institution, course, and course section
- Research topic: information from your topic proposal organized to provide background information and show the intent of the research paper
- Thesis statement (includes the following)
- Well-developed thesis statement
- Themes
- Questions to be explored in the research paper
- Body (includes the following)
- Research summary
- Exploration of issues and ideas
- Analysis of viewpoints/perspectives
- Connections to efforts Framers of the Constitution made to solve political challenges
- Conclusions
- Citations/references page, at least five academically appropriate references
- Thesis statement (includes the following)
- Research: Effectively organize ideas from at least five academically appropriate resources into a research summary section that reflects the depth and breadth of the topic research. Relevant resources include original source materials, government documents, peer-reviewed academic journals and articles, and court case summaries (from Oyez, Cornell Law, or LexisNexis).
- Critical Thinking: Demonstrate comprehensive exploration of issues and ideas associated with the research topic that leads to a fact-supported conclusion.
- Analyzes Various Viewpoints/Perspectives:
- Clearly describe two or more viewpoints on the topic the paper will explain and analyze.
- Select more than two perspectives from which to analyze the viewpoints.
- Perspectives include but are not limited to the following from appropriate sources (shown in parentheses):
- Public opinion polling (from organizations such as Pew Research, Gallup, Harris, or broadcast [not cable] TV news)
- Official teachings of religions commonly found in the United States
- A balance between individual rights and government power
- A balance between state rights and national supremacy of the Constitution
- Stated positions of at least two interest groups (it is not acceptable to only use one interest group)
- Perspectives include but are not limited to the following from appropriate sources (shown in parentheses):
Due to the real-life initiative, you are free to use a cross-section of academically appropriate reference materials, including, but not limited to, newspapers, magazines, journal articles, scholarly books, and even information gathered through the interviews of people involved in the project. Blogs and encyclopedias are not appropriate resources for university research.