Interim Design Report


This report should summarize the team’s progress this semester and document the current product or system design. It builds on the conceptual design report, and the team may re-use material from their conceptual design report, FMEA report, and DFX papers. ( I will send all the files that you will need for this report)

Include all of the following items in your report.

1. Introduction
Briefly describe the design project and its intended purpose.

2. Information Gathering
Describe the steps that you took to gather information about your design problem, including benchmarking, patent searches, interviewing stakeholders, and other research.

3. Concept Generation
List the different concepts that you developed in brainstorming and other activities. Include a sketch for each concept.

4. Concept Selection
Describe the systematic decision-making process that you used to evaluate the different concepts and select one. Include all details.

5. Embodiment Design
Describe the product or system architecture, the configuration design (including subsystems and components), and details about the components such as dimensions and materials. Include CAD drawings as appropriate. Include a bill of materials (parts list) for the product or system.

Include a revised version of the FMEA, highlighting where the design has been modified to reduce risk. Include a copy of the FMEA form as an appendix.

7. DFX
Describe how aspects of the design reflect the analysis from the team’s DFX papers.

8. Test planning
Describe plans for testing the design next semester; include a Gantt chart for the spring semester. Include a description of any prototypes and how they will be fabricated.

9. Cost estimate
Include a cost estimate for the prototype(s); include the cost of materials and components and fabrication (if needed).

Each team should submit one PDF file with the entire report. (There is no page limit.)

The report must provide information about the sources (e.g. websites, books, and papers) of any information, data, and images that the team did not create. In a report, the table or figure caption should cite the source, which should be listed in the report’s bibliography. As stated in the Student Academic Dishonesty Policy, “Plagiarism is the act of presenting the work or methodology of another as if it were one’s own. It includes quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing or utilizing the published work of others without proper acknowledgment, and, where appropriate, quotation marks.”

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