Film Question
For every module in this course (starting with Module 3), you may opt to write a 1-page (double-spaced) paper in response to the recorded interviews that Gail has conducted with current or former graduate students (the interviewees are: Julia Havard, Caleb Luna, Aaminah Norris, Marcelo Garzo-Montalvo, José Ramón Lizárraga and Arturo Cortez, and Miyoko Conley). In each paper, write down any honest reactions you had to the interview: what the interview made you think about, how it made you feel, what questions it raised in your mind, what it made you curious about, if it answered any questions for you, if it made you look up anything you didn’t know about before, if you agreed or disagreed or were excited or troubled by anything that was said. As long as you use respectful language in your paper, feel free to write about any type of response that you had.
Extra credit response papers are not mandatory, they are optional.
For each extra credit response paper that you submit, you will receive up to 2 points. You may submit multiple response papers–there are 6 interviews in the course, so you can earn up to 12 points of extra credit total. KEEP IN MIND THAT THERE ARE TWO INTERVIEWS IN MODULE 3 (Julia Havard’s and Caleb Luna’s).
Please combine all of your extra credit papers into one document (make sure it is in either .doc, .docx, or .pdf format) and submit that single document at one time (probably at the end of the course).