Communications Question



The Final Position Paper is a culmination of students’ comprehension and demonstration of skills associated with dialogue and cooperative argumentation. These skills will be assessed through consideration of, and application to, their chosen research topic, generally and the Question of Value, specifically. Completion of the Final Position Paper has students demonstrate the student learning outcomes noted below.

  • Writing a paper that reflects the principles, skills and components of cooperative argumentation such that a coherent, logically organized, effective and ethical use of reasoning and evidence reflecting each students’ abilities to:
    • Analyze as well as develop arguments, which includes the reasoning process, use of evidence, presence of fallacies, values and assumptions in order to respond effectively.
    • Recognizing and accounting for the influence of one’s own and others’ standpoint in deliberative contexts. This means naming and discussing your standpoint and its influence on the development of your arguments, which reflect critical self-reflexivity.
    • Demonstrate responsiveness (i.e., advocate acknowledges, and responds to arguments offered by others) and accountability (i.e., advocate accounts for impacts of his/her arguments).

In addition to writing a proper introduction for your paper, the following specifics are to be included in students’ papers:

  • Articulate, develop, explain and support your position and thesis regarding the course QOV. Offer a clear statement of your thesis, which is to be supported with a minimum of two original claims developed by the student along with premises and evidence. Integrated within claims argued is accounting for your standpoint and relevant values and assumptions informing your claims.
  • The purpose of this assignment is to produce acceptable claims that maintain internal consistency and relevance, have adequate support, and demonstrate critical self-reflexivity
    1. Relevance and Adequate Support are accomplished by providing relevant background on the course topic and question of value from research.
    2. Critical Self-reflexivity is addressed by taking into account one’s own standpoint.
    3. Internal consistence and relevant claims aspects are addressed by sound reasoning and argumentation skills.
  • Demonstrate responsiveness and accountability for your position. Specifically, account for the impacts of what you’re advocating (i.e., what are they? who is affected? how can the impacts/effects be lessened, if possible?). And, address specifically ways that you’ve been attentive to feedback received from your “composite deliberative community.”
  • NOTE: this section may serve as an extended conclusion for students’ papers.

Written Expectations

  • Use of 10–12 sources minimum are required in paper (3 of which must be scholarly sources). Keep in mind, sufficiently addressing section one will require multiple research sources, which may or may not align with the research sources used to support your own position.
  • Typed, double spaced, 4–6 pages in length, which excludes cover page and references. Providing an abstract for the final paper is not necessary.
  • Demonstration of skillful written expression:
    • Logical and clear organization of paper;
    • Paper written in a fashion recognizing the “composite deliberative community” (Ch. 5);
    • Effective use of written conventions in accordance with APA 6th writing style manual includes use of a running head, titling your paper, headings and sub-headings, grammar, spelling, accurate in-text citation form, references page, etc.

Note: Terms underlined refer to concepts used when in engaging in argumentation (see Ch. 7) that students seek to demonstrate in their papers.


my question of value is: Would implementing uniform gun ownership and accessibility laws across all states be beneficial?

you will be using my opinion which is, YES, gun ownership and accessibility laws across all states would be beneficial. I also have sources that you will be using to support the argument. You DO NOT need to insert quotes from all sources, only if it benefits the argument.

I attached all resources below and assignments we have done to prepare to write this essay. I have 9 sources, you will need one more.

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