Communications Question


Then, give an account of your chosen digital platform (Uber) by including the following aspects of it (this section should make up roughly two-thirds of your final paper, or approximately 8 pages

  • The digital platform’s stated mission
  • A brief history of the digital platform
  • The digital platform’s business model (i.e., how does it generate revenue, what resources does it require)
  • What the digital platform offers the user (i.e., affordances, gratifications)
  • What category the digital platform belongs to (you can choose from any category described at any point in the course)
  • How the category of the digital platform shapes decisions and strategies of the platform and its competitors
  • How the digital platform has successfully innovated or disrupted its market or technology category
  • Inequities and ethical issues that led to the platform’s disruptive changes
  • What ramifications the introduction of the digital platform has had on society at large, including on matters of the economy, labor, equity, and social justice
  • An analysis of external conditions, institutions, agents, and processes that foster or restrict the platform’s disruption of an industry, market, and/or technology.
  • A description of well-established and innovative platform design and governance strategies that led to the platform’s disruptive changes, as well as additional strategies that may result in further disruption.

The last section should consist of an analysis discussion and a conclusion, that is approximately 3 pages. In the discussion section, use two of the theories presented in the class to analyze your digital platform. Think of the theories as a lens through which you view the platform. Describe what you see through the lens of each theory, and with that view as a background, give your evaluation of the platform’s pros and cons. Consider how you would craft decisions and actions to optimize outcomes from market disruptions fueled by digital platforms. Evaluate how well each theory addresses the ramifications of the platform.

It is permissible to write this paper in the first-person. Any claims must be supported with references to their original and credible sources, either from the class readings or other sources. If your claim is too new to have source material written about it yet, you must argue for the position convincingly.

  • Style: Your paper should be presented in narrative form, using complete sentences and paragraphs.
  • Length: Your paper should be approximately 12 pages, excluding references, appendices, and front-page matter/table of contents. Points will be deducted for papers that exceed the specified length (see rubric below for more details).
  • APA Formatting


Srnicek, N. (2017). Platform capitalismLinks to an external site.. In Platform capitalism (pp. 22-45). Polity Press.

Kenney, M., & Zysman, J. (2016). The rise of the platform economyIssues in Science and Technology, 32(3), 61-69.

Logic(s). (2017, December 1). Engine failure: Safiya Umoja Noble and Sarah T. Roberts on the problems of platform capitalismLinks to an external site.Logic, (3).…

Turban, E., Whiteside, J., King, D., & Outland, J. (2017). E-Commerce: Mechanisms, platforms, and tools. In Introduction to electronic commerce and social commerce (4th ed., pp. 35-64). Springer.

Swartz, L. (2020). Transactional politics: Getting paid and not getting paid. In New money: How payment became social media (pp. 75-107). Yale University Press.

Kim, T., & Chiu, W. (2019). Consumer acceptance of sports wearable technology: The role of technology readinessInternational Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 20(1), 109–126.

Ling, R. (2020). Confirmation bias in the era of mobile news consumption: The social and psychological dimensionsLinks to an external site.Digital Journalism, 8(5), 596–604.

Vanden Abeele, M., De Wolf, R., & Ling, R. (2018). Mobile media and social space: How anytime, anyplace connectivity structures everyday lifeLinks to an external site.Media and Communication, 6(2), 5-14.

Calo, R., & Rosenblat, A. (2017). The taking economy: Uber, information, and powerLinks to an external site.Columbia Law Review, 117(6), 1623–1690., S., & Schor, J. B, (2020). What do platforms do? Understanding the gig economyLinks to an external site.. Annual Review of Sociology, 46(1), 273–294.

Vallas, S., & Schor, J. B, (2020). What do platforms do? Understanding the gig economyLinks to an external site.Annual Review of Sociology, 46(1), 273–294.

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