Communications Question


I am uploading my paper, please correct any mistakes and please fix it too if something is wrong or if it should not be there. feel free to add too. am also adding instructions on paper too. The final paper will be an 8-10 pages (double-spaced, standard margins, Times New Roman 12-

pt. font) research paper that analyzes the moral panic of your choice in relation to other moral
panics. The final paper gives you an opportunity to apply what you have learned during this
course in terms of a concrete analysis of an issue.
Make sure that you have a clear argument in your final paper. An argument is
(1) your article’s single significant idea
(2) stated in one or two sentences early and clearly in your article and
(3) around which your article is organized,
(4) emerging from or linked to some scholarly conversation, and
(5) supported with evidence to convince your reader of its validity
Your paper has to demonstrate a strong grasp of topics and theories discussed throughout the
semester and qualify your analysis by
1) referring to the texts that are in your bibliography;
2) relating your analysis to broader theoretical notions and topics that we have been
discussing during the course.
You need to use a minimum of 8 academic sources in your paper: at least 4 academic articles or
chapters from the course readings and at least 4 external academic sources in your paper. It is not
enough to cite or quote a reading without contextualizing it. You need to relate your quotations
or references to the points that you are making in your paper. And you are expected to
demonstrate the significance of your analysis in terms of the main theme of this seminar.
A bibliography should be turned in with your paper. It will not count toward your page limit. The
bibliography should be formatted in APA, MLA or Chicago style (please state which one you are using).
At the level of your education, it is crucial that you know how to cite a text.
You should also need to attach an appendix with the online sources you used for your research.

Follow the writing guidelines below. Clarity of writing is one of the most important aspects that will
affect your grade. Read these guidelines very carefully. Your grade will depend on your fulfillment of
the criteria outlined below.
Key Things to Remember for Your Paper
8 -10 pages
12” font, Times New Roman
Double Spaced
Clear and Well Supported Argument
Properly Cited Sources
Bibliography Section
Grading criteria
• Clarity of writing (spelling and grammar; clear and correct use of language including the
correct use of terms. Explain the terms and concepts.)
• Clear structure and organization of the paper (coherence of the argument, and of the
paper structure)
• Adherence to the requirements of the assignment (including correct formatting of the
paper, citations and bibliography)
• Demonstration of thorough research into the topic
• Clear argument with supporting evidence that comes from your research

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