Elevator Pitch Script



1. Select a social issue

  • This should be the same issue you used for your research summaries (Summaries attached)

2. Research
Watch this quick video on how to create an elevator pitch

  • Utilize your research summaries to understand the key aspects and implications of your social issue.
  • Look into what sector primarily handles issues related to that issue.
  • Create a solution, policy, or idea that can positively impact that social issue.
  • Find a person, organization, or agency to specifically address in your elevator pitch.

3. Craft your elevator pitch

  • Develop a succinct pitch that communicates the essence of the social issue, its urgency, and potential solutions that can be implemented by the sector you are addressing.
  • Write a script that you will follow. This will be turned in for credit.
  • Ensure your pitch is between 30-60 seconds (This will be recorded)

Here are some things to help you get started:

  • Pick one thing that can be done to help improve the social issue. Think about your plan to address the social issue in more detail (i.e. open a state-funded homeless shelter that offers programming for the homeless, create a campaign to help bring awareness to certain topics, create a community garden to address food scarcity).
  • Identify which sector could make a large impact on that social issue and that could help you implement the plan you just identified above.
  • Your video must be 60 seconds or less.
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