Journal 10/11
PART 1: MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE VS. INDEPENDENT EVENTS Are the concepts of mutually exclusive events and independent event the same thing? Give examples and reasons for your to support your answer. If necessary, start by defining both of these concepts. Add references identifying any websites you used.
PART 2: JAMES BERNOULLI Do an internet search on James Bernoulli. Include the website address in your journal entry. Summarize some of his contributions to probability and mathematics and discuss where we might see his accomplishments in today’s world.
PART 3: CASINOS; ARE THEY A GOOD BET? Research whether casinos offer fair games (do the odds favor the casinos or its customers). Based on what you have learned in this class, does it make financial sense to visit the casino? Give reasons for your opinions. Add references identifying any websites you used.
PART 4: GRAPHS IN THE MEDIA Look through newspapers, magazines, and/or websites to determine the kind of graphs used to represent data. Summarize your findings in your journal entry. Be specific about what newspapers, magazines, or websites you reviewed. When describing what you learned about types of graphs being used, give a clear description of the type of graphs used and whether you thought this was a good or effective choice (for example, could another type of graph have more clearly conveyed the information?).
PART 5: MEAN, MEDIAN, AND MODE Of mean, median, and mode, which of the three provides more information about the data set in your opinion. Give reasons for your opinions. As an example, suppose that you are looking at the salaries of hockey players; $50K, $100K, $100K, $100K, $850K, $900K, $950K. Which of the three statistics gives the best picture of how much money a hockey player makes? What characteristics of the dataset caused you to make the choice that you did? If necessary, you may use other data sets to describe.
PART 6: CHEBYSHEV Do an internet search on Chebyshev. Include the website address in your journal entry. Summarize some of his contributions to statistics and mathematics and discuss where we might see his accomplishments in today’s world.