NDP Google Slide Presentation


Presentation Requirements:

  • Presentation: Deliver a 6-8-minute speech (with visual aids).
    • Going over or under the time requirement will significantly affect your score.
  • The presentation will consist of:
    • Introduction to your topic, the relevance/importance of the issue, a preview of the main points
    • Subtopics (probably 2-4) with details and supporting evidence (3 sources minimum are required). Cite your sources either verbally or in your visual aid, and include a final slide(s) with your reference citations.
    • A conclusion, review the main points, restate your topic/thesis, add a closing or final thought, idea, quote


Visual Aid Requirements:

Your PowerPoint slideshow must include at least 7 slides but no more than 11 (including title page).
This includes:

  • A title-page.
  • 4 content slides (minimum)
  • A conclusion slide (with no new content) This could include a “wrap up of key points”
  • A final slide (or two) with your References formatted in APA style. Include 3 sources minimum.
  • In your content slides you must include:
    • at least: 1 image or graph
    • 3 citations minimum (either in-text or verbal) for quotes, paraphrases, graphs, or data.
      • Cite sources during your presentation one of two ways:
        • The simplest is to VERBALLY cite your sources. Verbal citations ideally include the author, their credentials, the year, and the work and/or publication. You can say something like “According to John Smith, a journalist, in a 2020 New York Times article,” followed by your fact, piece of data, quote, or paraphrase.
        • If you are citing in-text using APA, cite in-text like you would in an essay (Smith, 2010, p. 234). Include the citation in the slide directly after the quote, fact, graph, or chart.
  • Do not include any outside videos or clips in your presentation. Videos are great resources, but in a 6-minute speech, there is absolutely no reason to let someone else speak for you.
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