Engineering Question


As technology becomes more ubiquitous, it brings additional benefits and potential harms to society and often raise ethical questions. Given that technology grows exponentially fast, identify the ethical issues and possible repercussions of your aviation and transportation technology or process. Consider the following topics: a) Public right to fly UAVs (drones) and a citizens’ right to privacy; b) Autonomous vehicles’ onboard crash avoidance logic (should a driverless vehicle optimize its own passenger’s safety to jeopardize someone else’s life? What if there is a young family in one vehicle and a terminally ill cancer patient in the other? What if there is a high-ranking public official in one vehicle and a criminal in the other?); c) Facial recognition software at airport screening (how can biometric information be secure, yet shared for greater security purpose?; d) Cyber and physical transportation security threats (limit efficiency and movement versus protecting logistical networks from terrorist threats); e) Human-machine interface (advance of automation and AI versus the erosion of human skills); f) Fatigue risk management systems (the balance between working humans past their performance capabilities and managing an safe and efficient transportation network); etc.

  • Choose one of the above mentioned technologies (a) through (f) and offer a proactive approach with respect to new technological benefits and threats.
  • Include ethical and policy implications of your chosen technology in aviation and transportation, along with your duty to global society as a leader in aviation and transportation to offer best practices and new legislation.
  • Using APA style, cite at least 3 sources, (2 from academic peer-reviewed journals), to support your position.

In your response to your chosen technology, model ethical and professional behaviors to guide inquiry and practice in a global industry and diverse society: a) Consider ramifications of ethical issues that impact inquiry and practice; b) Evaluate diverse ethical perspectives to guide inquiry and practice; and, c) Integrate professional behavior in all inquiry and practice.

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