cs 116 computer graphic
Project 2 – Ray Tracing – Part 3 – Planar Textures
For this assignment, we will be adding simple planar texture mapping to the ray tracing you have already created in Parts 1 and 2.
Basic Steps
1) Look for your own texture map files online and find texture maps that you like. The textures should be “tileable” or “seamless” which means that if you tile them, the pattern will look continuous across the boundaries.
Here is an example of one online source for textures I registered as a “free” user and was able to download texture map files. (there is a limit to number of files for free users). (Links to an external site.)
2) Using the method discussed in class (and in slides) find a UV parameterization for the floor plane that will give you a tiled configuration for your layout. Aim to have at least 10 x 10 tiles in each direction on the floor. (Hint: the C++ “fmod()” function may be useful for this.).
3) Extend your shader to use the texture map to drive the basic color parameter (Kd) for the shape. (in this case a plane) . You should be able to see the texture on the floor, but in addition, you shoud see shadows on phong shading on the floor (from Part 2).
4) Extend your shader to use the specular map to drive the basic specular parameter (Ks) for your plane shape.
5) Try this with several different textures and # of rows/cols of tiles. Render out your images provide them with you submission.
6) 1Modify the Plane class to work in different vertical orientations so that you can make a wall (note I may already support this, but you need to create the plane with a different normal. You should have completed this in Part 2). Create some walls and texture map the walls with “wallpaper”. Add some additional lights to get nice shadows on the walls.
7) Render your best image (in at least 1200×800 resolution, preferably higher.) for the gallery. I will provide a link to upload. Note that when you have your renderer working, changing from “Debug” mode to “Release” mode when compiling your program will speed up your runtime rendering performance by 10x.
Challenges for Extra Fun and Adventure (Optional)
1) Try texture mapping the sphere (hint: use spherical coordinates and scale to find a good mapping from the surface of the sphere to (i, j) pixel of the image.
Submission Requirements:
1) Source code (not entire project, just files in src directory
2) Test images generated (at least 3) with different textures. Please include at least one test image with an area light.
3) Best image at full resolution to submit to gallery. link: (TBD)
4) 5 min or less video walkthrough of your source code. You do not need to include discussion on any parts of the source code outside of what you added for the texturing.
Note: this is your final project image for Project 2 (the ray tracer), so extra emphasis on grading the quality of your final image will be given in this assignment. Please take the time to set up nice scene with primitive objects (floor, sphere + other primitives) with nice lighting (ex: your area light with soft shadows ). This part of the assignment will be worth 20% of the assignment.
Image upload link:
Texture Mapping
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBasic Texture Mapping – Planar projectionImplement code for doing (x, y, z) -> uv -> image coordinate mapping. Partial credit given for code attempt. If tiling (next step) not implemented, at least show mapping of imagesto rectangle without repeating. Horizontal and vertical planes need to be supported. | 5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks | 5 pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTilingShow several cases of tiled texturing with different dimensions (using “remainder” tiling function). Texture map should drive the Kd (diffuse color) component of the shader and also the Ks (specular color component of the shader). Show at least one example of Kd + Ks mapping (this should preferably be your best image submitted to the gallery. | 5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks | 5 pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Test ImagesProvide at least three (3) images and one submitted to the gallery. Show texturing with effects of lighting/shadows from previous works. This is final rendering for the project, so a nice quality image with some attention to placement of lighting and colors is the goal. | 5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks | 5 pts | |
Total Points: 15 |