multimodal Analysis
In today’s society, gender inequality is pervasive.
a. Describe and critique three ways gender social constructions are linked to power and inequality with specific examples.
b. How does sexism, androcentrism or hegemonic masculinity show up in your life? If directly, describe/show two specific examples you have experienced. If indirectly, describe/show two specific examples of gender privilege you have experienced. Make use of an intersectional approach in this biographical analysis.
- dyads, triads primary, secondary, reference groups,
- Asch’s study of group norms social, cultural capital
- social networks, ties, network analysis Gaddis’ study of mentors and capital
- social construction of deviance deviance as collectively defined
- functionalist/conflict/interactionist perspectives on deviance
- social and criminal deviance conformity and social control
- Merton’s strain theory & 4 typologies Rios’ “youth control complex”
- labeling theory & mass incarceration intersectional theory
- sex vs gender, “doing gender” social construction of gender, gender scripts
- dimorphic model of gender and sex hegemonic femininity, masculinity
- gender inequality, sexism, androcentrism glass ceiling, glass escalator, wage gap
- marginalized masculinities heteronormativity
- nonbinary, trans, intersex pizza vs baseball model of sex
- sexual behavior trends, hooking up Dutch vs American teen sexuality
- race and ethnicity race as a social construction
- white privilege “one drop” blood rule
- individual and institutional racism new racism (aka cultural racism)
- residential segregation racial wealth gap
- income and. wealth, social mobility demographics of poor, working poor, elite
- absolute, relative poverty culture of poverty theory
- wealth distribution, levels of inequality shrinking middle class
- effects of poverty policies that combat inequality & poverty
Use 3 of these terms
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