Module 2: Critical Thinking
What do you think current activist movements could learn from the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s? Consider such things as leadership, strategies, and overall messaging.
- Presentation:
- Your presentation must conform to the CSU Global Writing Center (available in the left-hand navigation panel).
- Your slideshow should offer at least two different types of media (e.g., maps, photos, paintings, audio clips, etc.).
- Each image should include a caption and source. Images should be carefully chosen to represent your topic. Consider an audio track to accompany your presentation (optional).
- An introductory slide should outline your presentation and include a thesis statement. A concluding slide should sum up your analysis and leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement.
- Each slide should include a title and at least four to five sentences on the main topic or idea that is conveyed in the image(s). In other words, your slides must be substantive and include text that presents your topic in a thoughtful way, so that it is meaningful on its own to anyone viewing the presentation.
- Remember to include a final slide with sources used.
- Include at least two credible sources in addition to the course textbook. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these references (available in the left-hand navigation panel).
- Cite the resources using APA-formatted citations conforming to the CSU Global Writing Center (available in the left-hand navigation panel).