accounting project


Financial Statement Analysis Project Instructions

A. Key Items

Points: 125 Points

Due Date: Sunday, Oct 27 2024 @ 11:59pm

Deliverables: 3 files submitted via Canvas by the due date

  1. PowerPoint file for your presentation. Google Slides will not be accepted. (Max Points = 90)
  2. Excel file to show your work and computations. Google Sheets will not be accepted. (Max Points = 15)
    1. Files must be saved following this naming convention: Lastname_first name_project.xlsx and Lastname_firstname_project.ppt (example: lopez_enrique_project.xls

3. Zoom recording (Max Points = 15)

Record yourself in Zoom giving the presentation. Please record yourself with BOTH AUDIO AND VIDEO ON! I want to see your face and hear your voice while you are presenting. Copy and paste the Zoom recording link (or download the file) in the comments box when you submit your project. You need to do this by the due date. Any late submissions will have 10 points taken off per day.

Each presentation should be around 10 to 12 minutes (max).

B. Companies

First, pick 2 public companies within the same industry from the U.S. Fortune 100 Company List. See link below. These two companies need to be competitors of each other.

Fortune 100 List .pdf Download Fortune 100 List .pdf

Second, choose one out of the following 3 types of analysis: excel, presentation and video submission

  1. Horizontal/comparative & trend analysis (described on page 606 – page 610 in your textbook)
  2. Vertical/common-size analysis (described on page 610 – page 613 in your textbook)
  3. Ratio analysis (described on page 614 – page 619)

After you have chosen your companies, go on each company’s website and find:

(you can also find all public company financial reports on to an external site.

  1. Investors Relations
  2. Then click on SEC Filings
  3. Then filter for Annual Reports/10K
  4. Then download the PDF file and the XLS files
  5. Read Item 7 and Item 8 from the 10K PDF file
  6. Format and compute a)$ and % changes or b)common size % or C) ratios from the XLS file
  7. Then copy and paste the excel work into PowerPoint for your presentation
  8. Create charts/graphs that are applicable and complementary to your analysis
  9. Don’t make your slides too busy. Focus on key points, conclusions and take-aways
  10. The slides should be polished, professional and succinct

C. Analysis

Things to consider while you are analyzing the financial statements:

1. Balance Sheet Analysis

In your comparative balance sheet analysis, some of the things you want to look at are:

  • How are the assets financed? How much by debt and how much by equity?
  • What are the major % increases on the balance sheet and why?
  • If there is a major change in cash, take a look at the statement of cash flows to explain the movement.
  • Did debt increase? Did equity increase? What’s causing these major changes?

2. Income Statement Analysis

  • Why is net income up or down? Is it related to lower or higher cost of sales/revenues and/or higher or lower operating expenses?
  • Any specific areas of revenue that has driven an increase or decrease from prior year? What about specific expenses/costs that have driven change in expenses?
  • What is the % of net income for both companies? Which company has a higher % of net income and why?

3. Ratio Analysis

In your ratio analysis, you must calculate and explain for both companies: current ratio, working capital, debt ratio, equity ratio, gross margin, and profit margin and PE ratio. If the company has account receivables and inventory, then you must also include AR turnover and Inventory turnover.

For all analysis, first perform INTRA-COMPANY analysis, then INTER-COMPANY OR COMPETITOR analysis. Lastly, summarize your findings and form conclusions and recommendations.

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