Write a plan and answer questions regarding “Breaking the Cycle of Economic Disparity and Incarceration”
Instructions for the Quiz:
– Part 1 (20 points): Address each of the elements in *Understanding the problem* to demonstrate your understanding of these concepts.
– Part 2 (20 points): Propose thoughtful, detailed solutions that incorporate the factors of acting White, human capital, and wealth-building.
– Part 3 (5 points): Address John Henryism and propose a mitigation strategy.
– Part 4 (5 points): Outline a plan for evaluation to measure your proposal’s impact.
**Scoring will be based on clarity, depth of understanding, and creativity in proposing practical and impactful solutions. DO NOT USE artificial intelligence of any kind to assist them in the construction or submission of their answers.
Also, separate each section such as part 1, part 2, and etc. when answering the questions; I attached articles and review questions that we have used in the past which can help us form a solution
Imagine you are a policy advisor for a fictional city, Grand River, which has a significant Black population facing severe socio-economic and racial challenges. Despite efforts at education reform and economic revitalization, the city remains troubled by a high Black unemployment rate, a widening racial wealth gap, and persistent racial disparities in incarceration. Grand River’s Black community also faces obstacles due to anti-Black racial bias in hiring and promotion practices, which contribute to a racial wealth and homeownership gap. Many young Black students in Grand River are caught in the school-to-prison pipeline, experiencing racial bias in educational settings that leads to high rates of suspension, expulsion, and later incarceration.
The mayor of Grand River has asked you to present a policy proposal to break this cycle and uplift the city’s Black residents. In preparing this proposal, you must address the following:
1. Understanding the problem: Describe how the following factors contribute to the issues in Grand River:
– Anti-Black racial bias (in hiring, promotion, and education)
– The skills mismatch hypothesis and how it affects Black residents’ employment opportunities
– The achievement gap, particularly as it affects young Black students
– The school-to-prison pipeline and its connection to racial disparities in incarceration
2. Long-term solutions: Propose two to three initiatives to address these issues. Your solutions should consider:
– Addressing the “acting White” phenomenon and its impact on Black students’ educational attainment.
– Building human capital among Black residents by improving job skills, educational attainment, and overall employability.
– Reducing the racial wealth gap and racial homeownership gap through targeted economic policies that support wealth-building in the Black community.
3. John Henryism and Health: Consider the impact of John Henryism—the strategy of persistently hard work as a response to discrimination and economic barriers—on the physical and mental health of Grand River’s Black population. Propose at least one solution to mitigate this impact.
4. Evaluation: Explain how you will measure the success of your proposal in reducing unemployment, narrowing the wealth gap, and lowering incarceration rates over the next ten years.