Conflict Journal
Write about conflicts you experienced within the past 7-10 days with friends, roommates, classmates, family, coworkers or individuals you encounter in public places such as restaurants, stores, etc. (Generally, conflict with anyone!) Write a short paper (max length 1.5 pages double spaced) about the conflict. Who was it with? What was the conflict about? In each journal you post, you must use at least three terms from class. You don’t need to define the terms but describe why you are using the term for the conflict situation. Was the conflict resolved? As you reflect on the conflict, what can you learn about how you might better handle these types of conflicts in the future?
Turn in your 3 Conflict Journal assignments due 10/22, 10/31, and 11/12 and each is worth 10 points. Criteria used for grading: 1) Correct use of at least 3 class terms, 2) Ability to analyze the conflict, 3) Depth of reflection and learning, and 4) Spelling and grammar.
The three terms from the class to use are:
1. Conservative: One of my roommates is conservative: (right-leaning) focus on amassing resources. Those who produce resources: most farmers, ranchers, business people
2. Liberal: The other roommate in the argument is a liberal: Liberals (left-leaning) focus on distributing resources.
3. Social Identity Theory: underscores that group identities (demographics, ethnicity, religion, etc.) increase members’ identification with their own group and differentiate them from other generations.
Write about a conflict between my two roommates, one who voted for Kamala Harris, and the other voted for Donald Trump. With the election that took place, they were discussing/arguing about both parties.

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