Economics Question
The second part of your project is the full research paper, where you will implement your proposed empirical analysis, interpret the results, and discuss their significance. This paper will demonstrate your ability to apply econometric techniques to a real-world research question.
Final Paper Instructions
1. Introduction:Describe the causal relationship you are investigating and citing literature thatsupport or/and conflict with you idea and identifying the gap your research is hoping to fill.Clearly state the research question and its importance.Summarize your hypothesis and explain why this causal relationship is relevant to your field of study.2. Literature Review:• Review existing studies related to your topic.Discuss how your research fits into the broader literature and what new insights
it may provide.
3. Data and Methodology:Data: Describe the dataset(s) you used for your analysis, including sources and key characteristics.Methodology:
– Clearly state your econometric model(s).
– Write down the regression equation(s) you estimated (e.g., simple and multiple regression models).
– Justify the inclusion of any control variables and explain how they address omitted variable bias.
4. Results:Present the results of your regression analysis, including coefficient estimates and statistical significance.Use tables and/or figures to clearly display the results.Discuss the meaning of these results in relation to your research question.
5. Robustness Checks:Conduct robustness checks to assess the reliability of your results. For example, re-estimate the model with different variables, subgroups, or functional forms6. Discussion and Conclusion:Interpret the findings and explain their implications.Discuss any limitations of your study (e.g., potential sources of bias, data limitations).Suggest avenues for future research based on your results.
7. References: Provide a full list of all the references you used, following a consistent citation style (e.g., APA).
Formatting GuidelinesLength: 7-15 pages (not including references, tables, and figures).Font & Spacing: Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced.Citations: Use a consistent citation style throughout the paper.Tables/Figures: Include all tables and figures in the text or at the end of the document.Justify your textI have upload a proposal of this project, please follow the proposal.