Strategic Marketing Plan
Company mission/vision/values or other indicators that the company is a market driven organization as defined by Kotler. If you cannot determine that your company and its products are market driven, then discuss how marketing strategy should be used to increase the emphasis on the customer as a means to achieve the company’s goals. You are supposed to address the company in the Competitive Analysis Writing attached as the one with the best chance to take market share from the market leader.
SECTION 2: Current marketing situation
(A) Internal factors
▪ Analysis of company’s current offerings
▪ Analysis of financial results
▪ Analysis of key business relationships
▪ Analysis of core competencies
▪ Analysis of current customers
▪ Competitive Analysis (can be included from individual writing assignment)
(B) External factors
▪ Demographic trends
▪ Economic trends
▪ Environmental trends
▪ Technological Trends
▪ Political-Legal/Regulatory Trends
▪ Social-Cultural Trends
(C) SWOT Analysis (actual SWOT chart should be an exhibit with only highlights covered in the narrative)
(D) Summary of Current Marketing Situation: emphasis should be on main conclusions, predictions and inferences drawn from analysis, not a repeat of facts presented in the data. This is the real strength of the analysis of the current situation and sets the stage for the strategy formulation in part 2.
SECTION 3: TARGET MARKET: A full description of the current market segment(s) and identification of an existing or new target market to be the focus for the remainder of the strategic marketing plan, including a discussion of why this target market represents a growth opportunity for the company. Description of target market must be extensive and based on the criteria for segmenting consumer markets as outlined by Kotler. Also discuss the positioning strategy to be used for this chosen target market.
SECTION 4: STRATEGIC MARKETING PLAN OBJECTIVES: Must include at least three strategic, quantifiable and time bound objectives for the product/market situation that demonstrate what the strategic plan hopes to accomplish.
REFERENCES: Be sure to include your references as well as your footnotes as appropriate using the APA style guide.
EXHIBITS: Include all exhibits as referenced in the narrative.
All strategic marketing plans should be prepared in a word processed format using a 12-point typeface, double spaced with no more than inch margins.
Please be sure to note the beginning number of each section and the name of each section in your strategic marketing plan.
Graphs and charts are excellent ways to present data and their use is encouraged as it the use of exhibits to provide additional information that does not necessarily belong in the main body of your marketing plan. Be sure to reference them in your narrative and use a numbering system consistent with the style guide you are using for your entire plan, e.g. APA.