social problem
I had a tutor work on this it came back ai generated. Im gonna send the paper I just need it fixed.
Coffee Production
Social class is determined by a group’s relationship to the means of production. In this assignment, you will map the means of production and apply the concepts found within capitalism: consumption and production, Bourgeoisie and Proletariat, and commodity/goods.
To do this, you will analyze the commodity coffee. You will apply the theory of class as a group’s relationship to the means of production using the coffee industry. Remember, there are owners of coffee bean farms/plantations, pickers and processors, and owners of coffee drink retailers and workers.
First watch this video of workers who pick and process cocoa beans but have never eaten chocolateLinks to an external site.. This will help you understand the theory Marx puts forth on the alienation of the worker from the means of production.
Apply Marx’ theory of Social Class by mapping the social relations of capitalism in the means of coffee production.
Your paper must include the following:
Some of you have never written a college level research paper. I will help you by asking you to precisely follow my format.
To complete this assignment, follow these directions closely. It will assist you in mapping the means of production.
Specifically, organize your essay and answer:
- Who are the Bourgeoisie and Proletariat of the industry? Specifically, who owns and works(provide the names of owners and net worth of companies) and include the wages of the Proletariat within the industry.
- To answer this, you will need to look up the most successful corporation and explore their website to find the Board of Directors.
- Do Board members identify with other corporations on the Coffee distribution corporation website? If so, which ones?
- Additionally, you will need to find what is the average wage of a worker in that industry/company? Workers are coffee pickers and baristas (coffee drink retailers).
- Do the workers (Proletariats) consume the goods or are the goods allocated to different markets outside of the work zone?
- To answer this, you will need to learn about the market – specifically, where is the good (also called commodity) grown?
Your analysis should include at least 5 paragraphs:
- one, an introduction that discusses Marx’ theory and your analysis;
- a second paragraph that answers #1A-B. from the writing prompt above;
- a third paragraph that answers #1C from above;
- a forth that answers #2 from above;
- and a final paragraph that concludes your findings and ties the evidence back to Marx’ theory.
- a reference section citing all your sources used as evidence in your essay.
You may use more than 5 paragraphs but limit your essay to 2 pages, 12-point font.
Submissions shall be documents in pdf, doc/docx. No cloud submissions please, as these often have technical glitches where I cannot open the file.
You have access to Office 365 in our class.
Please use online sources and include these sources in your paper in a reference section. You may use any formatting style of your choice (MLA, APS, ASA, etc.)
- Which country produces the most coffee? Open the wiki on coffee production:
- How much does coffee bean sell for? This will help you identify how much the bean pickers earn.
- Is there child and forced labor associated with the bean production?
- Read Page 20, of the report, List of Goods, where there are 10 commodities that are identified as produced by child, forced and child forced labor.
- Page 20 ILA Download Page 20 ILA
- Coffee is one of the commodities in the report. Please refer to this fact in your essay.
- Which company sells the most coffee drinks?
- Companies that sell coffee by ranked corporate worth:
- Coffee ChainsLinks to an external site.
You will then need to research the company that has the highest worth.
Do a google search for “the company’s name Board of Directors”. This will link you to the Board’s website.
- To answer 1A. list the names of each of the Board members.
- To answer 1B. write the corporations each Board members identify with in addition to the coffee company.
To answer 1C. do google searches by asking two questions:
- First, “Average wage of coffee picker in (insert the nation where coffee production is highest)” and
- Second, “Average (insert the name of the company) employee wages”. How much does the average barista earn? Include this in your essay.
- To answer 2. go to google and search for “where are (insert the name of the company) internationally” – compare this list with the production of coffee nationally list. Write about this in your essay.
I use the rubric below to grade.
Coffee Production
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe most successful corporation and explore their website to find the Board of DirectorsThe student successfully identifies the Board of Directors. | 15 to >0.0ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks | 15pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBoard members identify with other corporationsStudent links the Coffee Board of Directors with other corporations. | 15 to >0.0ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks | 15pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAverage wage of a workerStudent correctly locates and reports workers wages. | 15 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks | 15pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDo the workers (Proletariat) consume the goods or are the goods allocated to different markets outside of the work zone?Student correctly identifies the relationship between the commodity and worker. | 15 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks | 15pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGoods made by child, forced and child forced labor.Discussed goods made by child, forced and child forced labor, in the essay. | 15 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks | 15pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInclude ResourcesThe paper includes the required resources. | 10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks | 10pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReference SectionThe paper includes a formatted reference section that includes each source of information. | 10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks | 10pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Syntax, and SpellingThe paper uses correct grammar, syntax, and spelling. | 5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks | 5pts | |
Total Points: 100 |