Lab #1 Crime Scene Processing


Following items of physical evidence are to be collected:

Pubic combings. Place a paper towel under the buttocks and comb the pubic area for loose or foreign hairs.

Pubic hair standard/reference samples. Cut 25 full-length hairs from the pubic area at the skin line.

External genital dry-skin areas. Swab with at least one dry swab and one moistened swab.

Vaginal swabs and smear. Using two swabs simultaneously, carefully swab the vaginal area and let the swabs air-dry before packaging. Using two additional swabs, repeat the swabbing procedure and smear the swabs onto separate microscope slides, allowing them to air-dry before packaging.

Cervix swabs. Using two swabs simultaneously, carefully swab the cervix area and let the swabs air-dry before packaging.

Rectal swabs and smear. To be taken when warranted by case history. Using two swabs simultaneously, swab the rectal canal, smearing one of the swabs onto a microscope slide. Allow both samples to air-dry before packaging.

Oral swabs and smear. To be taken if oral–genital contact occurred. Use two swabs simultaneously to swab the buccal area and gum line. Using both swabs, prepare one smear slide. Allow both swabs and the smear to air-dry before packaging.

Swabs of body areas, such as breasts. To be taken if suspected of being in contact with DNA arising from touching or saliva.

Head hairs. Cut at skin line a minimum of five full-length hairs from each of the following scalp locations: center, front, back, left side, and right side. It is recommended that a total of at least 25 hairs be cut and submitted to the laboratory.

Blood sample. Collect at least 20 milliliters in a vacuum tube containing the preservative EDTA. The blood sample can be used for toxicological analysis if required for a drug-facilitated sexual investigation (see pages 294–296).

Collect buccal swab for DNA typing (see pages 420–421).

Fingernail scrapings. Scrape the undersurface of the nails with a dull object over a piece of clean paper to collect debris. Use separate paper, one for each hand.

All clothing. Package as described earlier.

Urine specimen. Collect 30 milliliters or more of urine from the victim for the purpose of conducting a drug toxicological analysis for Rohypnol, GHB, and other substances associated with drug-facilitated sexual assaults (see pages 294–296).

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