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Find two recent articles from the last 5 years that relate to the course topics of human anatomy, human physiology, disease, ecology and the microbiome, and what makes an animal. (One news article, one peer reviewed)

  1. Summarize each article and explain how it fits into the 5 course topics listed above.
    • It is fine if your articles don’t cover every one of these topics, but make sure that at least one of your articles covers human anatomy or physiology and that at least one covers the human microbiome.  
    • Make sure to go over each of the 5 course topics for each article even if it is not covered.  Just state that the article didn’t cover that topic if you saw no coverage of it. 
  2. Your assignment should be at least 2 pages so please plan accordingly.
  3. You should clearly reference each article in the body of the assignment and also include a works cited page that includes at least your two articles and any resources you used to talk about the two articles not found in the articles themselves. 
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