Engineering Question
This is an individual assignment. ( You will do only the Design for Safety task below)
Perform one of the following tasks relative to your team project. For this assignment, each team member must complete a different task, so coordinate with your team and select the most relevant and useful analyses for your project. For any of the topics, you should conduct some research to identify the relevant approaches and criteria. Be sure to cite those in your report. Submit a short report that describes the required elements.
Design for Manufacturing: Complete a Design for Manufacturing (DFM) study on a selected manufacturing process for a custom designed part in your team’s proposed design. (Thus, this also involves manufacturing process selection.) Include the DFM rules for the selected manufacturing process (and cite the source for these rules). Discuss how your part meets or fails to meet the rules. Suggest changes to the part design as required to improve manufacturing.
Design for Assembly: Complete a Design for Assembly (DFA) study on your product. Include the DFA rules that you’re using (and cite the source for these rules). Evaluate your team’s proposed design and describe the ways in which the product is easy to assemble and the ways in which it is hard to assemble. Suggest changes to the product design as required to improve assembly.
Design for Reliability: Consider the use of your product (day after day). Identify the components or connections that are most likely to wear out or fail first; provide rationale for your answer. Suggest changes to the product design as required to improve reliability.
Design for Safety: Consider how people will use and mis-use your product. Identify different ways in which someone might hurt himself (or others) with your product during setup, use, cleaning, maintenance, disposal, or other activities. Suggest changes to the product design as required to make it safer.
Design for Ergonomics: Perform a human factors evaluation on some aspect of your design. Describe the specific physical or cognitive human factors under consideration and how these relate to your product. Describe the approach used to evaluate these human factors and discuss the results. Suggest changes to the product design as required to make it easier to use.
Design for the Environment: Consider the life cycle of your product (e.g., manufacturing, assembly, distribution, use, maintenance, recycling, and disposal). Select one phase in the product life cycle and evaluate the environmental impact of the product during that phase (this should be a phase where there is a significant impact). Describe the approach used to evaluate this impact and discuss the results. Suggest changes to the product design as required to reduce its environmental impact.