Analysis of Diffusion Game
Format: Times New Roman 12, 1″ margins, single-spaced (this also means no spacing between paragraphs, but you can indent the paragraphs; it also means do not use what might be your default line spacing of 1.15), no right flush margin, page number at top right. USE THE LETTER/NUMBER HEADINGS (not the words) DESCRIBED BELOW: A, B, C1, C2, D1, D2
Maximum page length: 2 pages. You don’t necessarily have to write 2 complete pages, but enough to answer the assignment; but not more than 2 pages single-spaced. Your game report (typically 1 or 2 captured web pages, inserted/pasted at the end of your paper) does NOT count toward this 2-page paper limit.
This online game is a very simple simulation, developed initially as a paper and pencil simulation by Everett M. Rogers, of attempting to diffuse an innovation through one village using your knowledge of change agents, diffusion patterns, various media, interpersonal networks, and use of feedback. For detailed instructions for playing the game, click on the DiffusionGameInstructions file on the course website.
Note: You will have to make various assumptions abut the actions you take and components of the game. For example, the game does not indicate whether this is an experimental or exemplary demonstration of the innovation; if you use that concept, which do you assume it is, and why does that matter? Note that there’s nothing in the game related to any specific innovation. You can make an assumption about what kind of innovation it is, appropriate for the village context. For each assumption you have to make, state and justify it. However, any assumptions cannot contradict anything that is actually in the game as far as you know, and the assumptions may help you provide context and explanations, but we don’t know if they are actually programmed into the game.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before leaving the game, be sure you capture your final results report. See 6. Capturing or Printing your Game Results in the DiffusionGameInstructions file on the course website.
Your write-up should include each of these sections. Start each section off with just the letter; no need to repeat the heading. All headings are flush left (not centered).
A. Your Name and Assignment #
B. What were your best scores (for the total percent of adopters, and for the final score that the system provides)?
Your paper is not graded on either the total percent of adopters or the final system score. However, the percent of adopters as you go through the game provides feedback on the success of your strategy. Your paper will be graded on how well you use the concepts in section C and D to explain your strategy and outcomes (that is, explain why you chose the actions you did, and why you were more or less successful or not).
These refer to both C1 and D1:
What is a “concept”? It’s any term italicized in the chapter, including the chapter summary, or in the .ppts. I prefer ONE because then it forces you to focus. However, as long as you aren’t going on tangents and as long as you specifically focus on that one concept, it’s okay to bring in one or two other ones related to or associated with that concept that directly support your conclusions. If you mention a secondary concept in either C1 or C2, don’t then use it as a main concept in C2 or C1. Alternatively: if you use a main concept in either C1 or C2, don’t then use it as a secondary concept in C2 or C1.
The first time you refer to the concept, list the page number in the book you are referencing for that concept, and provide a definition of that concept. A one sentence definition is all you need; you can quote from the book. Just make it clear you know what the concept means If you are using a digital version of the book, then list the chapter title and section heading. You do not have to constantly reference from the book. However, if you refer to a concept from any of the additional readings, you do have to cite that, but only the first time. You do not have to cite references to other broad facts or generalizations from the book that are not the specific concepts you are using.
C1. Select and list one concept from Chapter 8, and provide a short definition.
C2. Using that concept, explain why you chose some of the various diffusion actions, and in that sequence, and how the results correspond to the concept in the Chapter. Obviously, you do not have to apply that concept to every action you took.
D1. Select and list one concept from Chapter 9 (different from the one you selected in C1), and provide a short definition.
D2. Using that concept, explain why you chose some of the various diffusion actions, and in that sequence, and how the results correspond to the concept in the Chapter. Obviously, you do not have to apply that concept to every action you took.