Moral Theory


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In this chapter we have learned about a few different major moral theories. As Vaughn discusses, a moral theory is a broader framework of criteria that we can use to make judgments on an action or belief (78). This is normative ethics of action, i.e. theories of obligation (79). In this forum we will exercise critical thinking and play with these ideas!

Part 1: Moral Theory

  1. Examine the moral theories that Vaughn discusses in Chapter 4. Choose one that you identify with and often find yourself applying in your ethics.
  2. Define the theory. Give a brief description of the theory. Use your textbook.
  3. Discuss the theory. Why do you subscribe to this theory? Use an example to discuss why this theory works for your ethics. (Remember what you have learned in the last module on moral arguments).

In Module 5 we will examine normative ethical theories, or moral theoriesConsidering moral theories as they relate to our actions or behaviors helps us to justify our ethics. Essentially, we can break this down into two modes of ethical practice: being ethical (virtue ethics) as a person ormaking/doing ethical choices/actions in our lives. We will explore virtue ethics later in the semester. Right now we will focus on determining whether an action is good or bad, right or wrong.

Moral theories, as Vaughn discusses, are explanations of what makes something right or wrong, good or bad. The nature of right and wrong or good and bad are explored via moral theories. We rely on these theories to help guide our moral development. As you read this chapter, you will discover that you are predisposed to some of these modes of thought when you have been examining your ethics in our course over the past few weeks.

Theories of morality are grouped into two major categories: consequentialist and non-consequentialist. As the names suggest, the theories that can be labeled as consequentialist are focused on the consequences of an action or behavior, while consequentialist theories are focused on the nature of the action or behavior itself. In many ways, it often becomes a question of quantity vs. quality in the outcome of the action or behavior which makes the distinction between consequentialism and non-consequentialism. The consequentialist theories seek more (quantity) good outcomes, while the non-consequentialist theories aim for a single (quality) foundation from which good outcomes will result.

Vaughn identifies two major consequentialist theories: utilitarianism and ethical egoism, as well as two major consequentialist theories: Kant’s theory and natural law theory (81-83). He explores these by evaluating the methods of their application. For example, utilitarianism asserts that the morally right act produces more good outcomes than bad. Ethical egoism focuses on the best interests of the individual. Kant’s theory states the morally right action is the one that can be universally (categorical imperative) willed to everyone, and have everyone apply this action (83). Natural law theory follows the absolutist moral rules witnessed in nature.

As we will see, aspects of these different theories are appealing in different contexts as a means of justifying our ethical perspectives on various issues and situations.

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