Module 5: Free Write #3- Draft for PSA



In this free write #3, you will add new content and revise any of the writing based on feedback from your last two free writes, creating a draft of your PSA. Read through the final PSA instructions available in Module 3 to understand the requirements of the final assignment. Review your Free Write #2 and any of the comments provided. Have it available for this assignment. If necessary, review the helpful materials again under Writing Resources to help you engage in the research to strengthen your hypothesis.


First, identify which career area you chose from Free Writes #1 and #2 and your hypothesis around the impact of generative AI on your chosen career area. Make sure you have revised them if necessary.

Second, identify your audience. When creating a PSA, it’s important to consider the intended audience so you can tailor the content to their interests and to present information in a way that will most likely affect them. Consider:

  • Demographics – age, gender, ethnicity, lifestyle, location, type of worker, etc.
  • Knowledge – what do you think the audience already knows about the topic, including assumptions and even misinformation?
  • Motivation – what do you think the audience cares about and what might motivate them to take action?

Third, create a strong hook that will capture your audience’s attention. A hook will draw in your audience so that they become interested in what you have to say. A hook can be a one sentence slogan. It can be funny, catchy, serious, shocking, or a statement that has emotional appeal.

Fourth, incorporate the research and analysis you conducted into a cohesive argument that supports your PSA message. PSAs rely upon facts that are supported by reliable research. This is important! Think about yourself as an audience member, wouldn’t you want to know the truth and not be fooled into taking action on something that wasn’t fact-based?! Make sure to include no less than three and no more than five fact-based statements cited and referenced.

Fifth, create a compelling call to action. A call-to-action is a short phrase that prompts your audience to take the desired action. Consider:

  • Knowing your audience – remember who you identified as your audience, what tone of message make sense?
  • Using action words – what do you want your audience to do?
  • Keeping it short and simple – be selective and concise with your word choice

Sixth, submit your assignment by the deadline. Make sure to include the following:

  1. Name
  2. Career field with the label Career Field
  3. Hypothesis with the label Hypothesis
  4. Audience with the label Audience (who do you want to reach with your PSA)
  5. Hook with the label Hook (how can you grab your audience’s attention)
  6. Fact #1, Fact #2, Fact #3, (Fact #4, Fact #5 if using) cited (more than one fact can come from one of your sources) with the label Facts for PSA
  7. Call to action with the label Call to Action
  8. References page with the label References

Why This Approach to Free-Write #3?

  • Published pieces go through various stages of drafts before they are ready to be consumed by the reader. All of the pieces to your final submission should be included, but it’s okay for the writing or organization to still need some tweaks.
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