Sociology Question
Observation Assignment Observe people in a public (off campus) place for at least two hours. Your place of observation should be a public area, where you can remain for that length of time without permission or getting into trouble for being there—and/or for being there for that length of time. Consider going to a mall, a store, a place of worship, or a coffee shop. Avoid places areas that might be restricted such as hospitals, schools, and military installations. Conduct your observation at a time when the place is likely to be busy. Take notes during your observation. Here are some questions for you to consider during your observation: • What does the place look like? (Be able to describe it in detail.) • Who else is there? (Note specific information like age, race, gender, possible social class) • What are they doing? Observe the activities at a public place for 2 hours. Choose a place where you do not need to ask permission to stay, and will not get in trouble for observing what is going on. This can be a coffee shop, a farmer’s market, a mall, a religious service, a train station, a courtroom, etc. Avoid schools, hospitals, anything on a military basis, or any other restricted place. Make sure to go at a time when there will be a lot of activity. Take some notes about what is happening: What does this place look like? How is it organized spatially? Who comes here? What do they do? How do people interact with each other? What kind of conversations go on? Are there any subgroups? How do people handle unexpected or upsetting situations? Write up a narrative summary of your notes describing what you experienced. Then, explain how each of the three sociological perspectives (structural-functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and conflict) would analyze what you say.