For each problem, be sure to list what is given, what you are to find, and show your solution .
For each problem, be sure to list what is given, what you are to find, and show your solution with free-body diagrams, formulae used, and substitutions. Also, be sure to box your final answer.
Homework Formatting:
See Schedule for homework due dates.
All homework should be submitted on engineering computation paper using the following guidelines:
- Each problem should begin on a new sheet of paper
- Given, Find, Solution format for all problems
- Each part of each problem should be clearly labeled by part (e.g., a, b, c, d, etc)
- Each page should be numbered
- The final answer (or key results) for each problem should be enclosed in a box or highlighted
- Appropriate units should be specified
- All pages should be stapled together when turned in
- Homework should be neat and organized
- Figures and sketches should be neatly drawn using a straight edge, compass, or other drawing tools
- Late homework will not be accepted without prior approval from the instructor
- Scores received on a given homework assignment can be discussed only for one week following the day the assignment is returned.
- Only work on the front side of the paper. The reverse side is meant to provide a subtle grid that bleeds through to the front side.