Packback #2
3/ What effects does globalization have on traditions and cultural identities?
Globalization influences cultural identities and traditions by combining distinct cultural practices into new hybrids. While it can occasionally cause dominant cultures to overwhelm local ones, it also helps communities revitalize and preserve their distinct traditions. Also, it promotes cultural adaptability, resulting in novel methods of combining global influences with local customs.
add response for three classmate and one question with answer and source.
1/Why is social capital important for building a better society?
This week’s focus has been on understanding how globalization affects the development of popular culture and how local cultures assimilate or resist these homogenizing processes. In some instances, we see deep polarization and even violence when a foreign society rejects Western/American attempts at Cultural Imperialism. Increasingly, this polarization has begun to take shape between urban centers/cities within a country and the more rural areas/cultures. One of the fundamental features of a cosmopolitan society is the embrace of shared values and an appreciation for diversity both of which are key aspects to building social capital. For this week, my question is to explain what aspect of social capital development is the most important to building a better society. Please see Cultural Quiz 2 or the Chapter 2 Module lecture to understand the different aspects of social capital and choose at least one to discuss. Why is/are that/those aspects the most important? 2/Can social capital eventually have a negative impact on America ?
Social capital seems to have a positive connotation and a positive outlook. It has to do with making connections. This is good. We all know that humans need interaction and that it’s good for people to make friends, but can that eventually become a bad thing? Since the pandemic, it has been discussed often that the lockdown put stress on children, and it impacted children’s interactions with others. There was also an incline in social media during the pandemic and many children like to be on their phones, and not necessarily communicate in real life. So, if another pandemic were to happen assuming that human interaction would then decline again, and social media would incline even more than it has. Could it become normal not to want to interact with others in the real world?