Methods of social Research SOC 301


Part 1) read the article and swear the questions ( the pictures uploaded) 

What is the research question examined in this study?

In which paragraph in the introduction section is the research question presented?

  • w6r33
    What is the independent variable in this study?

List the attributes (or categories, or values) of the independent variable.

What is the dependent variable in this study?

List the attributes (or categories, or values) of the dependent variable.

How many cases did they analyze in this study?

  • w6r38
    What is the unit of analysis in this study?

•    What is the unit of analysis in this study? (Write your w6r38 answer.)
•    List one extraneous variable.

Part2)  Answer this question 


(1) Select one independent variable from the table of independent variable options and one dependent variable from the table of dependent variable options. List your independent and dependent variables.

  • (2) Using your independent and dependent variables, create a research question.


[*** Since the combination of SEX and CAPPUN is used as an example, do not select this combination.]


Variable name in

  • GSS

Question in the survey

What the variable measured

Attributes (or categories) associated with the variable


  • In general, do you think the courts in this area deal too harshly or not harshly enough with criminals?

Respondent’s opinion about the courts’ treatment of criminals

(1) Too harsh

(2) Not harsh enough

(3) About right


Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder?

Respondent’s opinion about the death penalty

(1) Favor

(2) Oppose


Are there any situations you can imagine in which you would approve of a policeman striking an adult male citizen?

Respondent’s opinion about the police use of force

(1) Approve

(2) Not approve


Would you approve of a policeman striking a citizen who had said vulgar and obscene things to the policeman?

Respondent’s opinion about the police use of force against verbally abusive citizens

(1) Approve

(2) Not approve


Would you approve of a policeman striking a citizen who was being questioned as a suspect in a murder case?

Respondent’s opinion about the police use of force against murder suspects

(1) Approve

(2) Not approve


Would you approve of a policeman striking a citizen who was attempting to escape from custody?

Respondent’s opinion about the police use of force against citizens attempting to escape

(1) Approve

(2) Not approve


Would you approve of a policeman striking a citizen who was attacking the policeman with his fists?

Respondent’s opinion about the police use of force against citizens attacking the policeman

(1) Approve

(2) Not approve


Is there any area right around here–that is, within a mile–where you would be afraid to walk alone at night?

Respondent’s sense of security in the neighborhood

(1) Afraid

(2) Not afraid


Would you favor or oppose a law which would require a person to

obtain a police permit before he or she could buy a gun?

Respondent’s opinion about the gun law

(1) Favor

(2) Oppose


Variable name in GSS

Question in the survey

What the variable measured

Attributes (or categories) associated with the variable


What race do you consider yourself?

Respondent’s race

(1) White

(2) Black

(3) Other


Gender of respondent

Respondent’s gender

(1) Male

(2) Female


What is your religious preference?

Respondent’s religious affiliation

(1) Protestant

(2) Catholic

(3) Jewish

(4) None

(5) Other

(6) Buddhism

(7) Hinduism

(8) Other Eastern

(9) Moslem/Islam

(10) Orthodox-Christian

(11) Christian

(12) Native American

(13) Inter-nondenominational


Are you currently–married, widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never been married?

Respondent’s marital status

(1) Married

(2) Widowed

(3) Divorced

(4) Separated

(5) Never Married


If you were asked to use one of four names for your social
class, which would you say you belong in: the lower class, the
working class, the middle class, or the upper class?

Respondent’s subjective social class placement

(1) Lower class

(2) Working class

(3) Middle class

(4) Upper class

(5) No class


Respondent’s highest degree

The highest degree earned by the respondent

(0) Less than high school

(1) High school

(2) Junior college

(3) Bachelor

(4) Graduate


Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or what?

Respondent’s political party

(0) Strong Democrat

(1) Not Str Democrat

(2) Ind, near Dem

(3) Independent

(4) Ind, near Rep

(5) Not Str Republican

(6) Strong Republican

(7) Other Party


We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives. I’m going to show you a seven-point scale on which the political views that people might hold are arranged from extremely liberal – point 1 – to extremely conservative – point 7. Where would you place yourself on this scale?

Respondent’s political orientation

(1) Extremely liberal

(2) Liberal

(3) Slightly liberal

(4) Moderate

(5) Slightly Conservative

(6) Conservative

(7) Extremely conservative


Respondent’s age

Respondent’s age

(18 )~ (88)

(89) 89 or older

This variable requires recoding before analysis. If you choose this, contact the instructor and learn how to recode the variable.

So, for example, suppose I use SEX as my independent variable, and CAPPUN as my dependent

variable. Then, my research question would be:

What is the effect of gender on people’s opinion about the death penalty? Or,

Does a person’s gender affect the person’s opinion about the death penalty?

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