ENV Presentation
Create a powerpoint Presentation
A key goal is for the subject to be locally-focused and comparative. You are to choose two localities, be it a community, city or county. One could be your home town, Las Vegas, and the other must be another (different) location, which will serve as a case for comparison, specifically on a particular area of environmental interest to you. This could include but is not limited to climate change mitigation/adaptation/resilience, energy efficiency, water, environmental injustice, business/industry sustainability, or other areas covered in or not covered in class. You are to perform a comparative study of these two areas as follows:
Explain how these areas are different and why observing them comparatively is useful. Justify your selection.
Using the database tools learned in this class, or using new data sources you find on your own, illustrate trends or patterns that tell an important story of both areas’ environmental problems, being sure to use graphs and/or maps.
- Describe, using your own research, the source of the problem in each locale and if/how they were managed. What was the local response from government, civic organization, businesses, or others? How were they different and why does it matter?
- Explain what lessons one locale can learn from the other in terms of addressing the environmental problem.