Entrepreneurship and Business Model Essay

Task 2
This 3250-3500 word report, suitable for an industry audience, that addresses the following:
1. Focusing on the business/organisation from Task 1, state the business/organisation name and a brief backgound
2. Assess and critically reflect on the business/organisations approach to corporate entrepreneurship and innovation. Discuss using applied and relevant theory.
3. Critically reflect on the business/organisations current situation taking into consideration past performance and future opportunities and risk; the potential drivers and the innovation strategy approach to date (e.g. market, technology or operationallly driven (or combinations of these) – a table may assist here). Discuss with examples and application of appropriate academic literature that supports your argument.
4. Identify three SMART initiatives, that would respond to the issues previously identified in Task 1. These should consider if and how the initiatives could enhance/take advantage of/introduce an ecosystem based business model and the sustainability based strategies that could be employed. Discuss and justify based on relevant course content and academic literature.
5. Rank the initiatives by suitability (consider SMART) to the focal organisation/business (well justified) and the effectiveness for addressing future sustainability and increased performance (economically, socially and environmentally).
6. For the most relevant initiative (the one you ranked as #1), provide recommendations needed for implementation, what disruption the innovation implemented may create and the impact on value creation.
This task is being measured for Assurance of Learning PLG1: Communication: Develop graduates with advanced communication skills in a business context (PLO1.1: Demonstrate advanced written communication skills in a business context).
Addressing all of the above, present a business-style report (suitable for a business audience rather than an academic audience). The report should include academic and credible sources. There is autonomy in how the report is set up with consideration for the following:
• *Title page
• *Executive summary
• *TOC
• Introduction
• Body of the report
• *Headers and sub-headers
• *Images, graphs and links
• Recommendations
• *Reference list
NOTE: these * are not included in the word count
• Develop and articulate advanced arguments which are informed and grounded to arrive at insights into an area of interest.
• Develop recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the suggested initiatives as well as suggestions to improve the entrepreneurial climate within an organisation/team.
• Demonstrate critical and creative thinking to identify and solve business problems and arrive at innovative solutions.
• Developing relevant organisation and structure in a written content (written communication)
• Advanced accuracy and presentation of written work including English expression, discipline-based vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
• Advanced referencing of sources of information used within the body of the document and in a reference list using Harvard referencing style
Draw on Task 1. Use the feedback from Task 1 to support your learning. Relevant readings, learning materials and other resources from throughout the whole course.
Use this rubric to help guide the completion of this task Rubric Task 2 MGT731 2021.pdf

Please note: As this information has been provided, UBER cannot be used as the case study within any assessment task submissions. This is an example and does not necessarily address all the criteria. The aim of offering an example is to offer some additional direction and stimulate your thinking.
Uber is a rapidly growing ride-sharing service, considered the poster child for disruptive innovation. The traditional taxi cab business has suddenly been changed forever by a mobile platform connecting consumers who need rides with drivers willing to provide them. A customer no longer needs to wave down a cab on the street, and a rider with an electronic Uber account does not even need to hand over cash. The trip is usually cheaper because regular cabs have to charge more to cover the huge upfront investment in a taxi license costing up to $800,000.
Reflect back over what you know about corporate entrepreneurship and innovation approaches. How does that apply to UBER?
By reading about UBERs past and present performance, what were the opportunites and risks of the approaches they took? Also, based on past and present performance, what future opportunities and risks may exist? Consider:
• “the regulated nature of the taxi business is a large part of the answer. Market entry and prices are closely controlled in many jurisdictions. Consequently, taxi companies have rarely innovated. Individual drivers have few ways to innovate, except to defect to Uber. So Uber is in a unique situation relative to taxis: It can offer better quality and the competition will find it hard to respond, at least in the short term”
• Did UBER create new markets/expand existing markets? UBER – new markets and expanding exisitng markets – yes?
• Was it technology or operationallly driven (or combinations of these)? UBER was technological enhanced – technology made it possible and technological advancements have permitted further growth and also created additional competition – yes?
• “Uber, true to its nature as a sustaining innovation, has focused on expanding its network and functionality in ways that make it better than traditional taxis”.

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