The Many Faces of Intelligence


Intelligence is misunderstood at times, and it is important that we have a solid understanding of the different types of intelligence. Intelligence and the concepts surrounding it are found in your reading in Chapter 7.

Please define these types of intelligence, and give an example of how important you feel each of these are in your current work or future studies:

1) Analytical Intelligence

2) Creative Intelligence

3) Practical Intelligence (also known as street smarts)

4) Cultural Intelligence

5) Emotional Intelligence

References (two). Your references need to have enough information contained within them, so we know what citation goes with the reference. If you have questions, please contact your instructor.

Your completed written assignment should be 2-3 pages. All submissions should be formatted in a 12 point Times New Roman font. Your answer should contain paraphrased information from at least one valid source other than your textbook, and all citations and references should be properly cited in APA format (6th edition).

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