JE 1 Writing What’s make you special
Everyone has certain skills in which they excel. What is one area where you excel? How has this skill made you a better or happier person? Watch the video clipped to this assignment and use it to help you think about how you are going to develop your own ideas. Be sure NOT to report on the video you watch. You can use ideas from the video to illustrate and support your own ideas. Then, write a five-paragraph LISTING essay describing what makes you special and how you achieved it. Be sure to support your main points by using major and minor supporting details. You can use ideas from the video to illustrate and support your own ideas. When using ideas that spring from this video or any other source of reference to substantiate your points, be sure to use the standards for quoting and referencing. An OUTLINE template is provided for you to organize your ideas before you begin the writing process.
Do a PLAN before writing something please. It’s a five paragraph listing essay…
Introductory Material __________________________________________________________
THESIS STATEMENT ____________________________________________________________
Developmental Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence _______________________________________________________
MAJOR Supporting Detail 1. _______________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail a. ___________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail b. ___________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail c. ___________________________________
Developmental Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence _______________________________________________________
MAJOR Supporting Detail 1. _______________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail a. ___________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail b. ___________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail c. ___________________________________
Developmental Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence _______________________________________________________
MAJOR Supporting Detail 1. _______________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail a. ___________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail b. ___________________________________
Minor Supporting Detail c. ___________________________________
Conclusion ___________________________________________________________________
Link of the video: