Review of One Article on One Health Program
Hlth 214
Assignment 2: Review of One Article on One Health Program
Worth – 57 points
Due – Check calendar
Assignment Type:
1. This assignment requires uploading a file to TurnItIn
2. Each student must use one of the two articles that are provided (to find articles, scroll down to the middle block titled Assignments, Projects, and Quizzes, etc. –> Unit 2 –> Option 1 or Option 2)
3. Save your document with Name, assignment title (EXAMPLE: LaPointe Article Review)
4. After you upload your file, open your document to make sure that your paper has fully uploaded and that your Originality Report is very low. Please make any changes to your uploaded document as many times as necessary until the deadline. Papers that are incomplete or not uploaded fully will be given a zero.
5. Errors in spelling and grammar will result in a loss of 1 point each
6. Use APA citations in-text like (CDC, 2012) and full citations on a separate/final page titled References
1. Create a FULL three page document of text (can be longer), with full references on the fourth page with Your Name, Class (HLTH214), and Assignment # in the header. Use the “insert header” feature and only use one line
2. Only 1 line can be used for your header
3. No extra spacing between paragraphs, lines, titles, etc. (change the Word document settings to be “0 before and 0 after double spacing”)
4. Document must be in Times New Roman 12 font, double spaced, and margins no larger than one inch
5. Must have an introduction, body, and conclusion
1. ONE line of the header (use “insert header” feature in Word)
2. Introduction
• Are all health programs important?
• Why are health programs important?
• Background/Overview (i.e. if your paper is on mental health, research mental health statistics and explain why mental health programs are needed)
• What is the title of the article?
• What are the researchers’ names who completed the study?
• Thesis sentence to show the main focus of your paper
• Must be in your own words
3. Body
• What health program is being studied?
• Who were the subjects assessed (sample)?
• What time frame was the study covering? (begin date, study period, evaluation time, etc.)
• What is the program’s purpose?
• How did the health program work? (i.e. Did the sample have to attend an educational meeting twice a week, what information was discussed, etc.)
• Describe the content in the intervention (i.e. if they offered education on mental health symptoms, what was that exact material)
• What are the numerical results of the program?
• How was the pre-test and post-test numerical data analyzed?
• Was the program successful? (Use numerical values, and response rate is not a measurement of success due to the program’s purpose)
• What do the authors recommend for future health programs?
• Why is this specific program important?
• How (specifically) are health programs valuable, be detailed
4. Conclusion
• Conclusion of information
5. Reference Page – APA format of all references/articles used (must include the citation for the article)
• This is a writing assignment. Do not use lists. Do not restate the questions; students must write in paragraph form using formal language and scientific writing. Write in complete sentences and use paragraphs to organize your work. The reference page should include all the websites and references and any other material used to complete the project. Assignment must be a minimum of threefull pages of text and then a separate final page to list references; creative formatting will not be accepted.
• Do not cut and paste from the websites visited, this is plagiarism. Rephrase all words into your own. More than three words in a row left unchanged is considered plagiarism
• Use APA format to reference in-text and on the reference page (last page, separate from others)
• After uploading to TurnItIn, open your document to make sure that your paper has fully uploaded and that your Originality Report is very low. Please make any changes to your uploaded document as many times as necessary until the deadline.
Confirm Upload. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm the successful upload or post of your paper or forum before the deadline. Please check your work immediately after uploading by re-downloading and opening your uploaded document to make sure all pages uploaded successfully.
Grading Rubric
Research Paper Points
Followed instructions (length, paragraphs, formatting, etc.) 5
Used APA formatting correctly 5
Provided an organized, well-written, complete, and concise overview of the program 15
Body: Program Description 22
Conclusion 5
Went above and beyond minimum requirements for a strong and evidence-based paper 5
Points deducted for each spelling and or grammatical error
Total 57