Descriptive Paragraph


Descriptive Paragraph Essay Assignment
Length: one paragraph, 250-350 words. Word count is part of the assignment . All the words including your heading are counted. Use your computer to count words. I use the computer’s

Topic: Description of an indoor place

(1) Give the essay a creative title. Use one topic sentence to start essay that includes the subject of the piece (i.e., the place you select to write about) and statement of dominant impression—mood or attitude about the place.

(2) Use specific, concrete language (details, examples, explanation) to describe the place. Use sensory details in the essay, including as many senses as possible: sight, sound, taste, touch, hearing, and motion (kinetic) sense. Use the elements of description to establish a dominant impression (mood) about the place. Make sure impression is unified.

(3) End with one conclusion sentence that provides closure to the reader, including repeating the subject (i.e., the place–it’s recommended you use different words) and expanding the thought (i.e., the dominant impression from the topic sentence)—such as by telling how the place affected you.”

Your audience is the academic community.

Your purpose is to inform and entertain the academic community.

Use college-level grammar and formal language. Don’t use slang and informal language. Don’t use the word you, except in conversation between people (dialogue). Use MLA format as set out on the Unit One Class Notes Powerpoint.

Your Originality Report score must be no more than 10%. It’s up to you to monitor your score.

no references needed not research

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