Critical Analysis #2 Heroin/Opioid Epidemic in the United States
Your second critical analysis will focus broadly on the current Heroin/Opioid Epidemic in the United States and focus more specifically on the following:
• Identify broadly how the Heroin Epidemic has impacted U.S. society
• Discuss the impact of the Heroin Epidemic on crime
• Identify legislation, both local and federal, aimed at interdiction and eradication of illicit Heroin
• Differentiate between different drug treatment programs and their effectiveness • Describe the characteristics of affective criminal justice that effectively reduces Opioid addictive behaviors through one of two initiatives:
– Preventative Deterrence: through public education programs OR
– Restorative Justice: through public health models
Additional essay requirements include:
• Your essay should be 5 – 8 pages, not including title page and reference page
• Your essay should include no less than 10 reliable, scientific, peer-reviewed sources
• Your essay should be written using APA formatting, with New Times Roman (12 pt.) font, and standard one-inch margins
• Your essay should be uploaded through the Assignments folder directly in Canvas
• Your essay will be submitted through Turnitin, ASU’s anti-plagiarism software • Review the grading rubric for these assignments for more details
• Please do not simply repeat everything that has been covered. What I am most interested in is what you learned, how you synthesize, and how you analyze information throughout the course.
Writing Format for Critical Analysis assignments:
• APA style formatting and must include:
• Running Head
• Title Page
• In-text APA formatted citations
• APA formatted
• Reference page