2 discussions 200 words each, 1 applied assignment and 4 short essay.
Discussion 1 Man3240
Read the Trader Joe’s case on p. W-97 (Chapter 1 > OB Skills Workbook > Cases for Critical Thinking > Trader Joe’s) and respond to the following question:
In what ways does this description of Trader Joe’s show attention to each responsibility in the management process: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling?
Discussion 2
Read the Xerox case on p. W-100 (Chapter 2 > OB Skills Workbook > Cases for Critical Thinking > Diversity Leads the Way) and respond to the following question:
What are the seven reasons why Xerox should be motivated to diversify its workforce? Illustrate how Xerox shows it values workplace diversity.
Upload Assignment: Lesson 02 – Applied Assignment
Short Essay
What are individual differences, and why are they important to organizational behavior?
What is more influential in determining personality: nature or nurture?
With respect to diversity and inclusion, what do we know about environments that are most conducive to valuing and supporting diversity?
Application Essay
Your boss has noticed that stress levels have been increasing in your work unit and has asked you to assess the problem and propose a plan of action for addressing it. What steps would you take to meet this request? What would be the first thing you would do, what factors would you take into consideration in conducting your assessment, and what plan of action do you think would be most promising?
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· You have 2 attempts– for the first one, submit your draft to review the SafeAssign Originality Report prior to the due date. Safe Assign Matching Index Score 20% or less for this course is acceptable.
· Respond to the four essay prompt(s) leveraging what you learned from Chapter 2. Submission will be a minimum of at least 1200 words (approximately 5 pages of actual content, ex. Times New Roman font, double spaced, size 12) in APA style, with a cover page and reference page. Cover page and Reference are NOT included in the 5 page minimum.
· 1200 word requirement is to be proportionately distributed over the 4 essay prompts. (You are NOT writing 1200 words per essay question). *Some students may feel inclined to provide more support in order to adequately and freely respond to the prompt(s)… therefore feel free to exceed the minimum target if desired.
· Your overall document will be at least 7 pages total, inclusive of cover page and reference page. Your essay will be automatically submitted to Safe Assign so it can be checked for originality.
· While essay questions may be reflective in nature and equally may invoke your personal viewpoint, ensure that you utilize at least (4) references throughout your submission to support your viewpoint and/or position.