Threaded III Tm415
Threaded Discussion II
22 unread replies.88 replies.
Possible Points
Criteria for Initial Post
Excellent, well supported, complete answers which includes examples and references to the readings. Critical analysis of readings is apparent. No spelling or grammar errors.
Supported answers, missing some key points or components, minimal examples, 1- or 2 spelling or grammar errors. Critical analysis of readings is not readily apparent.
Non-supported incomplete answers, few references to readings, missing examples, 3 or 4 grammar errors
Missing questions, non-supported incomplete answers, no references to readings, missing examples, 5 or more grammar errors
5 Points deducted for not responding to another student’s posting if noted
Possible Points
Criteria for Response Post
Thoughtful and sustained response to another students posting. Includes at least one citation to an outside source, as well a minimum of two insightful questions posed to the original poster. Post is a minimum of 250 words.
Post includes some of the elements aforementioned, but does not satisfy the minimum length requirement and/or at least one citation and two questions.
Response post is fragmented, not particularly insightful, and/or poorly constructed.
Threaded Discussion II
On pages 97-110 of ‘Strategy Bites Back’ Henry Mintzberg discusses some of the different types of strategies available to different organizations. Read through this byte and complete the following. Be sure to respond to another student’s posting for full credit, and to offer a thorough rationale for the strategies that you identify in questions 1-3.
1) Tell us which of the strategies that relate to the products/services would be most useful to your organization given the organization’s current output and production processes. A list of these strategies (image differentiation, support differentiation, etc.) can be found on p. 100.
2) Tell us which of the strategies that relate to expanding the range of products offered would be most useful to your organization given the organization’s current output and production processes. A list of these strategies (penetration strategy, bundling strategy, etc.) can be found on p. 101.
3) Tell us which of the markets for the products offered best applies to your organization given the organization’s current output and production processes. A list of these strategies (mass market, segmented markets, etc.) can be found on p. 101.
4) Lastly, pick a strategy from each of the first two lists, and a market from the last list, that you think your organization should consider pursuing. Explain why these choices are appropriate to your organization, and discuss what specific changes your organization would need to undergo in order to pursue these strategies and markets.