sex and drugs
Step 1: Read The Moral Compass, Chapter 4, focusing on the section covering Critical Thinking. Then read each of the following case studies from The Moral Compass, Chapter 24:
Case 5 – “The Island Escape”
Case 10 – “Intensive Care”
Case 11 – “Sex and Drugs”
Choose only ONE of the above cases to be used for this writing assignment (and you will also use the same case study for writing assignments in the next few modules).
Step 2: You will write a short, though well-written, college level paper including each of the elements below.
Use whatever writing format you are most comfortable with (APA, MLA, etc.).
Include your name, the professor’s name, the course name and the date.
Give your paper a title (relating it to the assignment or the case you chose).
Include a Work Cited Page and Word Count.
Section 1: Identification
List the main ethical issue from the ONE case study (whichever case you chose) in the correct format (for review, see Module 2).
Should……………….? OR What should……………….?
Even if you identify several issues or concerns, identify and list only the one you think is the main ethical issue.
Section 2: Research
List three topics that would be appropriate to research.
If you were the person named in your ethical issue and you had to make this decision – what information would you want to help you make a better decision and where would you find it? You do not need to complete the research, just list the three specific topics you would research. Three different topics are required.
Section 3: Analysis
Create an analysis chart including at least 4 options and 4 stakeholders (as seen in Chapter 4). In the chart briefly explain how you believe each stakeholder will be affected by each option.
Word Count
Include your word count, but note there is no minimum word count requirement for this assignment.
Works Cited Page
Include proper citations for all sources used (which will include at a minimum the course textbook as the source of the case studies).
Step 3: Upload your completed paper file to this dropbox, no later than the posted due date/time. Check your Turnitin originality report and address any issues or concerns.
Grading Criteria – See the grading rubric included for reference.
(Learning Objective Assessed: 2c, 4a)
Additional Helpful Hints
How to Create a Chart:
In MS Word click on the INSERT Tab
Click on Table
Create a 5 x 5 Table if you have 4 options and 4 stakeholder.
As write in the squares the chart will expand to support your writing
Include at least 4 stakeholders and 4 options
See Sample Format below
Stakeholders are people or a business that represents people, etc. A stakeholder can not be a thing such as a friendship or a reputation.
All options must be in the control of the person named in your main ethical issue.
There are many options but choose the best options. All options should be reasonable options that the person named in your main issue could choose to to best solve the ethical issue.
For example, if the main ethical issue is, Should Jack report Jill for stealing computers, all of your options should begin with Jack could…….