Constitution Law Alysun
With the divide within this post-colonial African country much like the United States was during the Civil War, I would have to lean towards adopting a constitution much like the United States. Having an unwritten constitution like that of the United Kingdom would cause more problems than it would solve. Since the unwritten constitution can be changed without having to go through the steps and amendments that the United States has to go through, it would be easy for all groups to feel as though they are not getting the fair end of the deal (Baker, 2014). With a constitution much like the United States all sides would be equally represented and no one branch of government would have more power over the other. This would be extremely beneficial for the smallest ethnic group. It could enable the 3% to remain their own separate entity and not feel as though they must side with the majority group. Since all three groups could come together to make up their constitution to suit them as the United States did, it would give them the ability to continue to live without fear of the other groups infringing on their rights or properties. Having a system of checks and balances like the United States has would also help them out in the long run. This way, if one group wanted to change or amend any part of their constitution they could come together and submit their idea/plan and ensure that no one section of government actually had too much pull. This is where the United States’ Constitution differs from the United Kingdom’s Unwritten Constitution. The United Kingdom does not have any system of checks and balances so, therefore, a law can be changed however, whenever, without having to go through multiple steps to accomplish said task (Baker, 2014). Having a more open and changeable constitution will help this country immensely so that all parties get what they want much like it helped the United States after the Civil War.
Putting myself in the role of the 3%, I agree with a constitution like the United States. Since we are such a small community, it would greatly benefit us to have our voices heard appropriately and not feel threatened to have to pick a side.
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