Answering questions in 2-6 paragraphs


2-6 paragraphs per each question.

The Founders of the nation’s governing structure understood that citizens might not be politically well informed, thus a representative democratic structure was preferred rather than a pure or direct democracy. For this reason, we inquire about the role of public opinion and individual and group attitudes on government. Discuss the role of public opinion in the American political system. Find two examples. (Worth 30 points)

Most of the citizens base their political opinion on their beliefs. Political opinion and good knowledge is very useful when it comes to voting. The ones who lack political opinion and the necessary knowledge in politics may go with a family members opinion to make a decision on which candidate to choose. Many uninformed people seem to go with whatever the majority of their political party system is voting for. Nevertheless, voting allows the government to examine the public opinion. Like mentioned in our textbook, with the proliferation of polling by various media outlets and independent firms in recent decades, lawmakers are more aware of what America thinks (Evans & Michaud, 2021).

Millions of Americans tune in each night to listen to CNN or FOX news, as well as social media discussions about the poll numbers, which can easily convince voters. If the selected leaders/ candidates don’t pay attention to the public opinion, then there will be no trust in the government. More Americans would simply be upset with the government. The public opinion in the American political system is acknowledged in the U.S constitution. It begins with the phrase “we the people”. This phrase alone is very significant, it outlines that the public has, and should always have big impact when it comes to our American political system.

Evans, J., & Michaud, K. (2021). Central ideas in American government (11th ed.). Soomo Learning.

1. With money replacing time and membership as key parts of the interest group system, describe the impact on American democracy. Which groups are being negatively affected or left out of the process of interest group influence of policy and policymakers? Use and give some specific examples. (You may include reference to specific websites) (Worth 35 points)

Americans seem to have a negative opinion about our democracy.

Money does replace time and the membership as the key parts of the interest group system. Especial

Many political candidates do not have enough or run out of money when running for office. Candidates like Tom Steyer and Donald Trump, for example are billionaires so they are well off and did not need to worry about money. Most, though, are reliant on small donors and their own pocketbooks for funding for their campaign so they are hurt often when money dwindles. For example: Jon Corzine from New Jersey was very wealthy and was senator and then governor. He was able to finance his campaign with his personal fortune. He has spent millions of his own money in both of the campaigns.

1. What makes American political parties unique? Discuss the ramifications of changes in levels of American partisanship (party affiliation and identity) on the power of political parties in the present era? How do the trends of de-alignment or lower rates of party loyalty and realignment reflect changes in the issues and mobilization of groups into the process? In your opinion, do party members think for themselves or do they follow cues from party leadership? Find some recent analyses of the regional shifts and battlegrounds between the two major parties. What do you think? (Worth 35 points)

American political parties unique because we have a two-party system. Most of other countries, like the
European countries have the multi-party-political system. We concentrate mainly on our two-party system like the democratic party and the republican party. Many citizens nationwide identify themselves as independents (not republican or democrat). Nevertheless, most of these independent voters will still lean either towards the republican or democratic party with their votes.

Other minor parties like the Green Party, is very small and not too significant in 2020.

You would never see a Communist or Socialist leader in Congress (someone who has that official title) They are all Dems/Rep/and a few Independent

Many candidates also spend millions on campaigns, whereas many countries spend much less .

In my opinion party members usually don’t think for themselves, they mainly think as a group.


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